Chapter 1 a new land called europe

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3rd pov

In Fódlan at the land of the three kingdoms. Edelgard and her army marched to where the kingdom of the alliance and Faerghus. Edelgard has no idea if both kingdoms were about to fight her. It was then a blond hair boy by the name of Dimitri came.

Dimitri: edelgard at last we have met.

Edelgard: ......

Dimitri: you will pay everything including the professor.

The leader of the alliance Claude heard his talks about byleth and looked down. As the three armies about to clash a portal appear out of no were. This portal made noise of thunder, explosion, people screaming and dying. It was until a hooded old man came. He looked very suspicious until he made his act.

Hooded man: I will like to speak the leader of the three kingdoms now.

Dimitri: why do I want to speak with you.

Hooded man: because your professor is in danger. Stop this or you will never see her.

Edelgard stopped her forces while Dimitri and Claude did the same too. The three walked to the hooded man.

Claude: So is she alive or is that a trick?

Hooded man: trick or not there is a reason why she is here.

Edelgard: what reason is it?

Hooded man: your war in Fódlan lasted five years. Your people suffered from war many good men and women died. In this portal lays the same thing but much worst.

Dimitri: what is worst.

Hooded man: you have I see it yourself but first there are enemies that goes in numbers, weapons that are more advance and men who die from their families. Remember once you go in there is no way out.

Edelgard: how can we leave this so can new world?

Hooded man: you have to wait until the Great War is over. Once you survive you can go.

Claude: what happens if we die?

Hooded man: well you die. Never go back. It's your choice to enter or not.

Claude thinks until he made his choice.

Claude: although the professor is not here I need to help her keep her alive.

Dimitri:.... I care for her I go then.

Edelgard: I don't know if she is an enemy or not I will go.

Hooded man: then enter the portal and....

???: Wait!!!

Everyone in the area saw a green hair girl coming. Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude knew her back at the monastery. Flayn byleth's friend who wants to see her for 5 years.

Edelgard: flayn how did you.....

Flayn: I was about to find any clues about her disappearance until he told all of you about her. Please tell me she's ok.

Hooded man: yes but I don't think she can be alive that....

Flayon went to the portal while the hooded man was silent.

Edelgard, Claude, and Dimitri told everyone to go back to their homeland and decide what to do after. They decide to not fight but to find her.

Edelgard: I know we have a lot of our differences but I am sorry of what I done.

Dimitri: just shut up. The reason I didn't kill you right now is because of byleth.

Claude: me too I be the first to find her.

Fire emblem three houses the Great WarHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin