part 29

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Ellie pov

I can't believe Michael followed me. I don't want to see him ever again! Can't he get that in his stupid head! "Michael please just leave me alone!"  "I can't leave you, I love you too much to do that ellie and seeing you hurt like this makes me sad"  "well how do u think I feel then Michael!"  "Ellie I know that you must be hurting right now but I have to tell you I didn't do it, I promise I didn't and I never would, it's not in my nature to do that kind of thing"  "see there you go again Michael, lying about something you obviously have done"  "ellie"  he said as he took my hands "I don't want this relationship to end this way, in fact I don't want it to end at all because I love you ellie I really do, your so special to me and you mean everything to me."  I removed my hands from his hands "and how am I supposed to believe you didn't do it"  "because I wouldn't be here right now if I did it and I wouldn't be caring about you right now if I did it, you know how honest I am so why can you believe me?"  "Because I've given up all hope in life, I wake up and I want to go back to sleep, I don't want to be in this world anymore!"  "Ellie please no don't say that, your worth so much more than you think or will ever know" I could tell he was going to cry at what I just told him.

Michael sat down next to me and faced me. "Ellie don't ever say your worth nothing or that you don't mean anything because you do, that's why you have a heartbeat. I love you and I don't love you because of your beauty I love you because of your personality and everything else which makes you, you. No one in this world is born worthless and no one who leaves this world is worthless we all mean something, whether we can see it ourselves or not. If someone tries to bring you down, you climb that little bit higher until you get to the point where your happy because your happiness is everything, just smiling and having an open mind will make your day automatically better than it might have been yesterday." I had tears in my eyes.  "What I'm trying to say is, you make me happy and you complete me and without you my happiness will never be as great as it could be, I need you so please forgive me"  "michael your words have touched my heart, you make me feel so important, like I'm your only priority, ok Michael I believe you and I forgive you."  "Really?!" He said "yes, I believe you"  "ellie you don't know how much that makes me happy" he said as he picked me up and swung me around and then hugging me.  "I love you so much ellie, I never want to loose you again"  "I love you too Michael and you won't."  I feel so much happier now.  "Hey bitch!" I heard a voice call out....I was lacie...not again!

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