part 16

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Michael pov

I was running down the stairs quickly for ellie, I didn't want her to be in pain. I ran into the kitchen and I got some tablets and a glass of water, I then ran back up stairs. I handed her the water and tablets, she took them from my hands. "Thank you Michael your so kind to me" "well I couldnt leave you in pain no one should feel pain, I should know I feel it everyday" "aww I'm sorry Michael" "no don't be its fine".

Ellie pov

I sat up so I could take the tablets. "Ellie so you want to go out somewhere today?" "Umm ok, like where, your Michael Jackson there isn't many place we can go" "Disneyland" "the place with the most people there like that's gonna happen" "no I'm gonna rent out the whole park for you" "seriously for me?" "You deserve a little bit of attention since what's happened to you" "aww Michael that's so sweet" "get dressed and we will go" "but I have no clothes I slept in the clothes I was wearing last night" "looks like we are going shopping then"

He helped me get out of bed and then helped me down the stairs "breakfast?" "Ok just a slice of toast please" "of course".

2 minutes later he handed me a plate with some toast on it, I sat there quietly eating it. I was soon Finnished so we walked to the car he offered to carry me but I said I was fine. We got in and he drove off "first stop the mall" he said I smiled and replied with "thank you so much Michael for doing this your the best" "it's nothing seeing you happy makes my heart happy and that's all I want." Michael's just so sweet. I love him, I'm falling for him I really am I hope he feels the same way.

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