Always Here (Rowan/You)

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"Y/N get your head out of your ass and stop being a grumpy pants," Sabrina said in a sing songy voice. 

Today was just one of those days that I couldn't explain. I felt weird and I don't know what was bugging me but it wouldn't go away. 

"Leave me alone for once," I said in a muffled voice as I nuzzled even deeper into my pillow hoping it would suffocate me. I groaned when I felt an extra weight on my back. 

"C'mon we were supposed to hangout today," She whined making me groan even louder. I don't know who told her it was a good idea but she started jumping on my back until I pushed her off. 

"Are you fucking happy now? Jesus christ Brina you act like as if we haven't hung out everyday for the past two months now," I said while running my hand through my hair in frustration.

She started pouting and crossed her arms, "Jeez why don't you calm the fuck down, I just miss my best friend who I don't have time for since having a singing and acting career." 

Ok I felt a little guilty there. I never like seeing a sad Sabrina she looks like a puppy that just got reprimanded for wanting something so simple. But seriously I really can't shake this feeling off. I don't even know when it started exactly. I swear I was fine last week but something completely changed. Suddenly that feeling just kept growing. 

"Can I please stay here? And if you try to jump on me like that again I won't be afraid to push you off the bed completely," I threatened while looking into her eyes . 

She narrowed her eyes at me and ordered me to get up. "I'm going to do everything possible in order to get you out of this mood today. Staying home won't do anything." She got a hold of my wrist and dragged me downstairs against my own wishes.  

"SABRINA WAIT!" I exclaimed while tugging on her small form. 

She turned around with an annoyed look ready to counter what I was going to say in order to stop her. 

"Can you tell me what's wrong with this picture?" I questioned her while she looked at me in confusion. 

She looked around and then between us until her eyes started trailing down my body. Her eyes widened in amusement as she said, "You look like a fucking Calvin Klein model in those. You'll be able to attract all the ladies without pants on." She looked at me from head to toe again and whistled making me roll my eyes at her antics. 

"Shut up you know I'm with Rowan. Now let me put some pants on," I turned around and  started making my way back to my room. 

"I swear if you lay back down I'm going to pour ice cold water on you!" She yelled with no hint of falsity to her words.

I really didn't want to do anything but stare at the ceiling and blast music from my earbuds until my ears bled. I'm going to regret this but I don't doubt that she'll come back twice as harder if I stay in bed. I slipped into my black ripped jeans and slid on my bomber jacket for good measure. 

As I stepped downstairs I heard her moan in sadness while running back to the kitchen. She dumped the water in the sink and placed the pot back in the cabinet.

"You have no faith in me?" I asked in a faux offended tone.

"No," she said seriously while grabbing my wrist again. We made our way outside and I stopped when I saw her pull out my car keys. When did she grab those? Why does she even have them?

"You're not driving my baby," I said while grabbing the keys and making my way to my car.

"You suck," she said while sticking her tongue out childishly and sitting in the passenger seat. 

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