True Maya Part 2 (Rilaya)

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A/N: This takes place in the middle of their senior year

Maya's POV

I needed to get away. No one can find out about this especially Riley. If she did she wouldn't feel the same she would either feel pity or disgust. I can't see her face when I tell her. She'll look at me differently and everything will change. I can't handle change. At first I thought it was nothing that I complimented her. It doesn't matter if I think that she looks cute today but the thing was I thought of that everyday. The worst thing though was seeing her with Heehaw all happy and scared to death. Honestly I can treat her better than he can. Right now I'm going to stay at a motel till I figure out what to do. At least I have money saved from working at the cafe with Riley.

"Maya Papaya, where's bright eyes?" two shoes Louie asked.

"Home," I said vaguely not wanting to talk about what happened.

"Are you ok?" he asked concerned. "You're always together it's weird to see you guys apart."

"Tell me about it. Look I got to go. I'll see you around?" I said really not knowing if I actually would.

"Bye Papaya," he said before I walked away.

I walked past my mom's old diner and headed to Anchor Inn. No one here really cares about what goes on around here. I get my room and when I got in it's exactly what I thought it would like. A queen bed with old sheets and one pillow, Theres two chairs and a really old tv. the wallpaper is torn in some places and it smells like cigars. It reminds me of how my room used to be like before we remodeled it and fixed it up.

Riley's POV

I've been waiting for Maya to show up at the bay window but she's still not here. What's going on? We didn't argue and she's never really sick up to the point where she doesn't come here. I'm going over there. My phone goes off making me rush to my phone hoping that it's Maya but when I see the caller ID it's just Lucas.

"Hey Riley," he says in that rich southern accent that always made me smile.

"Hey Lucas. Right now isn't a good time I have to go check up on Maya. I haven't seen her at all today," I say feeling worried over the fact that something really bad must've happened.

"Oh ok I just wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date?" he asked in a different tone than earlier.

"Sorry Lucas but I've got to go Maya's-," I say before he cuts me off.

"Yea I know," he sighs defeatedly.

"Don't Lucas," I said feeling annoyed by how he's been acting lately.

He scoffed and said, "Don't what? Get annoyed cause my girlfriend doesn't want to go out with me."

"You're being selfish. She means the world to me and if she hasn't contacted me I'm going to be concerned," I defended myself while rolling my eyes.

"Whatever," he mumbled into the phone.

"Bye," I said hearing a small bye before hanging up. What's his fucking problem nowadays?

I head over to Maya's as quick as possible. I knock on the door and hear nothing. I use the copy that Maya made me incase she forgets hers.

"Maya? Anyone here?" I asked while walking towards her room. I'm guessing Katy and Shawn have a date night.

I open the door to her room and there's no sign of her. Where is she? As I sit on her bed I'm thinking about where she could be. Josh is on a road trip with his friends. I doubt the others know. I'll just text Farkle incase.

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