Chapter 35: Oh Boy

Start from the beginning


He kind of spaced out when that word was whispered into his mind. It wasn't technically his fault, for once. Tayn was spread out all hot and bothered, in his bed, and naked. Pascal was trying to refocus when Tayn moved to his hands and knees and kissed him on the cheek.

Wait, when did I shift back to my human form?

"Cubs. Do you want them? Will you take care of them?" He repeated seriously.

When those words sank in Pask had to hold himself back from flat-out jumping his bones. Instead, he bit his tongue and took a deep breath, then slowly let it out before replying as he looked straight into Tayn's eyes.

"I do want them and I will take care of them. I will take care of you, too. I want to do everything for you. I love you, Tayn. I've wanted to love you since the second I saw you, but without that collar I would never have been able to show you just how much." He said.

Pascal hadn't really been ready for the response that he got to that, which was Tayn hugging him tightly but crying at the same time.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you feeling okay? Should I get Larro?" He asked, worried and confused.

Don't be mad, please. Tayn thought to him, making Pask frown.

"Don't be mad about what, hun?"

I... I was a stripper before I moved in with Larro.

Pask had no idea why that was a big deal?

Wait. Was that why he was so hesitant to let people touch him or talk?

With a calm smile Pask squeezed him softly and rubbed his back.

"It's fine, Tayn."

You don't think that I'm dirty? For doing that?

"Of course not. You're the best hyena ever!" He said with complete honestly as he leaned back a little when Tayn moved a bit in his arms. Looking down, Pask caught those gorgeous bright eyes staring up at him and grinned.

"You mean it?" Tayn asked quietly.

"One hundred percent. You're the only thing I've wanted since the day we were introduced. No one else even holds a paw to you." He said.

Tayn's brow rose and Pask saw a tiny smile grace his pretty lips.

"I'm pretty sure it's holds a candle, not paw."

"Err, well, that part was my hyena trying to agree."

Tayn laughed before tugging him forward and onto him on the bed. He didn't hesitate to get comfortable and line up their already-naked bodies, but first... their lips pressed together while he rested his arms on either side of Tayn's head. So addicting! When their mouths finally separated they were both panting, but that wasn't important, what he said, however, was.

"Give me some beautiful cubs, Pascal."

Damn, he could hear them even with his head under the water. Normally, he got into the shower to keep from hearing that kind stuff. Well, that trick wasn't working right then. At least they're happy. Things seemed to have changed so quickly right after Tayn had gotten that collar.

I knew Pask had it in him to be nice and not just horny. Although, I'm not sure if Tayn understands what he's getting himself into with that horn dog.

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