⒞⒣⒜⒫⒯⒠⒭ 5

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I opened my eyes and had to squint from the bright sun coming in from the broken window.
I got out of the car and adjusted my clothing and hair.
I was really hungry but decided to ignore it.
I made my way to the street that Aria lives and saw that Jake was there but Aria wasn't. I can't stay there alone with him.I guess I'll just go over to Carl's.I sighed and made my way over and walked into the house.
Fiona was sitting on the couch with her phone on her hand when she looked up at me.
"I just covered for you.Aria called and asked if you stayed the night...did you?"
I gulped.
"Um no."
"So where did you stay?" She stood up.
I stayed quiet and looked at my feet then back up at her.
She raised her eyebrows.
"In a backseat of a car.In the junkyard..."I deadpanned.
She furrowed her brows.
"Why?" She asked.
I sighed.
"Because I didn't want to be a burden to anyone."
"Your not a burden." She responds shaking her head.
"Thanks Fiona." I smiled.
She smiled back.
It was a little while later and Fiona had told me all about how she and her boyfriend Mike had broken up.Veronica was over and her and Fi were talking about it, while I played with Liam at his high chair.
Debbie and Lip walked down the stairs talking about something that I couldn't make out.
"Holy shit.When did you get home?" Fiona asked, hugging lip.
"Last night." He responds hugging back.
I smiled at the close siblings.I bet it's nice to have a bestfriend who won't back stab you.
Lip walked over and hugged V.
"Why are you here?" Fi asked.
"It's your birthday."
Fiona sighed heavily.
"My birthday." She said in a 'ugh' time.
"Your birthday?" I asked making Liam giggle and I couldn't help but giggle back.
The next word I heard was booze.Cheap booze.
"Someone say booze?" I asked.
V rolled her eyes and laughed.
"I can pick up a cake from the super market?" Debbie suggested.
"I could help you with that." I said to Debbie.
Debbie nodded.
"Thanks Debs." Fi replied.
Then Carl walked down the stairs into the kitchen and said
"Hope those aren't for us." He said in disgust looking through the brown paper bags on the counter.
"Back to bag lunches I'm afraid.Bologa and cheese."
I about gagged, myself.
"Can't you just give us money for our lunches?" Carl asked.
"Leah!" Liam screamed when I pinched his cheek.Making Carl look over at me and Liam.
"When did you get here?" Carl asked.
"When did YOU get here." I replied.
"I've been up stairs the whole time.Why didn't you just come upstairs?" He asked going over to the table with Debbie.
"Didn't know you were here." I replied shrugging.
"Oh" was all he said.
V had spilled the tea of Fiona sleeping with Mikes brother.
"What?" Lip asked suprised.
"Really?" Debbie asked from the table.
"Oops.Sorry." V said looking back at Fiona.
"But seriously.This Shit is the definition of sexual harassment."
"So I'm just supposed to go to the office like nothing happened with everyone staring at me and hating me."
"Who gives a shit about what anyone knows or things.Everybody sucks anyway." I said to Fiona then making a funny face at Liam.
"Uh I do." Fiona said back.
"So you need the paycheck or not?" V asks
She's got a point.

I'm not in rolled into school yet so I hung out near Carl's school.When he got out of school we went and stole gas out of all the buses.
"Carl? Carl!" Frank said waddling over to us on his crutches.
"I got a job for you."
"I'm busy." Carl replied. Continuing with this 'job'.
"You'll like this job better." Frank replied, taking the things out of Carl's hand and giving them to me.
"We are gonna build a sweat lodge." He continued, putting his hand on Carl's shoulder.
While Frank was explaining the 'sweat lodge' to Carl I kinda just dosed off for a second until a white chick with blonde hair and a chubby ass kid walked over to Frank.
Me being nosy I walked closer to Carl to listen to the conversation.
"This is sammi, your big sister.Its time you met."
Me and Carl looked at each other at the same time giving each other the same look ; absolute confusion and disgust.
"Hi." Sammi said first.
"Hi." Carl responds giving her a side eye look.
"I already got 2 sisters." Carl says looking at Frank.
"Yeah, well here's another one."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes.
"This is your nephew Chuckie.Baby this is your uncle Carl."
Carl gave him a disgust look and just to tip him off a little I whispered in Carl's ear.
"Ooooh... uncle carrrrl."
He looked at me with a look that said 'ew' and 'embarrassment'. And I just laughed. I could tell he was uncomfortable.
"Wow. They even look alike." Sammi said comparing Carl and the fatass chuckie kid.
"Yea um... I don't see it." I said looking at Carl and then to Chuckie.
"Well, shit this is an emotional situation." Sammi said dabbing her eyes.
I looked at her with a 'really' look. I mean come on lady.
Carl sigh and turns to Frank.
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
"Excuse us"
Once we were a few feet away Carl said
"She's freaking me out."
I scoff "your not the only on-"
"I get it." Frank says cutting me off.
"How about I take Sammi to the Alibi for reinforcements?
You and Chuck can gather saplings.You can initiate him into the Gallagher way." Carl smirks and watches Frank walk away.
The He turns to me and we both had the same question.
"What's a sapling?"
"Can't you carry me?" Chunkie asked for the 100th time.
"Can you shut the fuck up.We have only been walking for 3 fucking minutes." I said turning to him then turning away.
We were on our way to get the 'saplings' from outside the police department.
Great idea I know.
We finally arrived and started hackin away at the little trees out front.
We were only there for about 10 minutes and Chuckie only cut down one so far.
"Oh my god. Move!" I said pushing Chuckie out of the way and breaking the branch he had been working on for forever.
"Let's go." Carl said.
Then we left.
Surprisingly not getting caught.
But... almost getting caught.
It took us awhile to get to Shelby's because Chuckie wanted candy so we had to stop a million places to find his favorite kind.This kid is a really pain in the ass.
"There you go tie it real nice and tight." The Indian man said to Carl.
I was sitting on the steps with my face sitting in my hands because I honestly didn't want to have much a part in this.
"Holy shit." I said standing up from tab steps when a whole bunch of homeless people came pushing Frank in a wheel barrel.
"Dad! Dad! Look what I built!" Carl said running over to Frank that was still inside the wheel barrel.
But when Frank started going on about Sammi... the excitement just drained from Carl.
"Man they reek!" Carl said.
"Yeah well the'll keep the heat in."
Frank was sitting by the fire and Carl walked over to him and said
"When Sammi was little, did you ever think about her?"
I doubt that...
"Of course I did." Frank responded.
He had a cigarette and I really wanted a drag but I didn't want to get an STD from the man soooo.
"Well no I didn't but, that had more to do with her mother.She was a real pain in the ass."
"How come?" I asked.
"She wanted me to get a job.Support them, yada, yada, yada."
"Well that kinda makes since." I said rolling me eyes.
Frank looked at me with a sarcastic smile and continued.
"How old you guys now? 10?"
"We're 12" We both said.
"Well Carl soon you'll knock up your ghetto girl and ditch her.Leah, you'll probably be that girl."
I huffed.
"Hell no. I don't plan on getting knocked up at 15 Frank."
"Yeah Get back to me in a couple years."
I rolled my eyes.
"Anyways when you get to my age you learn to embrace the responsibilities that come with parent hood."  Frank said.
"What responsibilities? You don't have any." I said shrugging.
"To have you know I support this family as best as I can.I don't see you raising as many kids as I am. Sheesh."
I shook my head.
"I gotta go.Come on Leah."
"Wait your gonna miss the ceremony..." Frank said.
"See ya Frank." I said turning around, flipping him off, then turning back around to walk beside Carl.
He laughed and pushed me and then I pushed him back and that turned into a pushing match.Just like always.
We entered the Gallagher's home and V, Liam, and Fiona were dancing in the living room.While I'm pretty sure Kevin was snortin somethin up his nose.
I ended up dancing with V.While Carl was I guess 'dancing' with Liam.And I was right it was Crack in the kitchen.
"Fiona get your ass out here! Ima show you how to break it down!"
"Yea come on Fi!" I said still dancing.
We continued dancing and Carl, and Liam were on the couch.Kevin was trying to gain his balance.
Debbie and Lip walked in.But I ignored  it and kept dancing.
Fiona started talking to Lip about "some little adventure". I have no idea but whatever.
I snatched the bag Doritos from Carl and took one. Then stared dancing with Carl.and not in that way🙄.
"Fiona!" Debbie yelled from the kitchen.
It was then I already knew something was wrong.Really wrong.
It was Liam.
He got to the crack.
This isn't going to end will and now as everyone else I'm scared to death.
"Omg omg!"
"He's not breathing!"
"Step back step back!" V yelled.
I was speechless.I couldn't talk.I didn't know how this was going to end.
Fiona just kept saying omg omg omg over and over.
"Liam? Liam? Liam?"
"Call!" Fiona said to lip.He already had the phone in his hand.
"Liam? Step back, baby.Give him some room. Liam?"
She was telling me and Fiona to step back we were all almost right on top of him.
When I stood back I kept my hand on my mouth.Carl was already standing next to me with a look of pure shock.
"Oh my god." I said and then turned and hugged Carl.
The paramedics came and took Liam.
"He is gonna be ok though right? Right?" I asked.
"Move our of the way please they said walking him out the door.
When Fiona got into the back of the ambulance she looked at all of us with an 'I'm sorry' look in her eyes.
It was a mistake.But a mistake that could possibly kill Liam.
When the truck left we all stood there with shocked looks.
Then Kevin said
"I'll get the truck."
Next thing I knew we were sitting in the waiting room.Waiting for anything.Hoping that 'anything' is good.
"They won't let me back there.I thought he was in the living room." Fiona explained to Lip.He didn't say a word just looked at her.
A nurse came by and Fiona asked about Liam.
"Take a seat someone will be out in a minute." The nurse responds and walks away.
"Who's Fiona?" Am officer said walking towards us.
"That me." Fiona said.
"Put your hands behind your back."
"What why?"
Because you had coke Fiona...
"Fiona Gallagher, you have the right to remain silent." The officer continued.
"Whoa Whoa whoa, what's going on?" Kevin asked.
They took Fiona away.Everyone followed other than me and Lip.I slowly looked at him and he looks at me.
"Tell Carl to let me know if they say anything about Liam.And also that I will be at home." I said in a shaky voice.
He didn't say anything just stared forward.I ran towards the nearest exit and once I was outside I Released a breath I didn't know I was holding.
I walked back to Arias hoping she was home and not Jake.
It's crazy how things can turn.
One minute we are dancing in the living room, and the next we are sitting in hospital chairs.I really hope and doubt you can relate but... if you can, does anything get better?
I walked for about 10 more minutes and finally got to Aria's.
No one was home.Which was actually nice.No questions about here I have been and all that.I walked into the house and sat on the stairs for a moment, trying to recap what has happened in the last couple hours.Its pretty crazy.
I sighed and walk up the stairs.When I got into my room I took off all of my warm clothes.I plugged in my phone and picked out something to sleep in.I made my way to the bathroom and took a hot shower.
I did something I rarely do.
I cried.
Maybe it was because today was a emotional roller coaster.Im scared for Liam.He is such a nice kid.And that's something coming from me.Usually I don't like kids.But Liam... is Liam.Hes not just any kid.Once I was done I went it my room.Turning on the TV I made my way to my bed and got comfortable.
𝚂𝚘 𝚒 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛!
𝙸𝚝𝚜 𝚊 𝚕𝚒l 𝚜𝚊𝚍 ☹
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚐𝚐!𓂸
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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