⒞⒣⒜⒫⒯⒠⒭ 3

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I woke up to a loud knock at the door.Since I was a light sleeper I was easy to wake up unfortunately.
"Come in."I said in my groggy morning voice.
Trying to make myself look a little decent, I took my hair out the messy bun quickly and rubbed my still tired eyes.Aria walked in shortly after.
"Hey... sorry to wake you so early but I have to go to work.Jake is still asleep.But he will get up in a little while to go to work.There is cereal and toast for when you get hungry." By then she had already sitting in my unmade bed.
"Ok.Have a good day at work." I replied.
She laughed
"I'll try.But when I get home I want to take you out is that okay?"
"Sure Of course." I replied back.
"Ok.Ill try to be home by 1. Bye" she said getting up.
Then she left.I know I can't go back to sleep so time to get ready. I made my way over to the closet and grabbed an outfit.Which was a pair of blue jeans a long sleeve grey shirt  a big fluffy jacket and finally a scarf.
I set the jacket and the scarf down on the bed and headed to The bathroom across the hall.I changed, got some gum since I didn't have a toothbrush yet- I know gross, did my hair, then applied a tiny bit of mascara that was sitting on the counter.I exited the bathroom, went back to my room grabbed the jacket and scarf then headed down the stairs.I wasn't hungry so I though I would go outside.It was a little chilly but nothing I couldn't handle.I made my way outside.When the cold air hit me I shuddered.
"Brrr." I said to myself.
Looking around I saw a boy...with dogs?

'Been a while since I've ever even seen a dog.' I thought to myself.
They were rat ugly dogs but a dog is a dog.I mean who doesn't like dogs?
One of the dogs stopped to sniff a bush, another stopped to take a piss, then the other kept walking.The leash wrapped around the boys leg.Tripping him.
"Ooo." I said out loud
That had to have hurt. I walked quickly walked over.
"Hey... uh you ok?" I asked standing over him.
"Do I look ok?" He asked.
"Hey I took my time to walk over here and help you. Don't be an asshole." I replied giving him a hand.
Once he situated himself he looked up at me.I was now actually able to see his features.
Brown hair, grey blue eyes, nice jawline, aaand a black eye.
"Like what you see?" He asked smirking.
I tilted my head to the side.
"I could ask you the same thing." I said.
While I was checking him out, I saw him doing the same thing to me.
"Hell ya I do." He respond.
I smiled and laughed a tiny bit. He chuckled.
"Alright Romeo, what's your name?"
"Leah.leah Wild."
He smiled.
"Nice last name Wild.I'm a Gallagher.I'm sure you've heard of us."
"Um... no I haven't actually.I actually just... um got out of Juvie." I said looking down.
"Dope! What you do?" Carl asked.
I could see the excitement in his eyes.
I laughed
"Blew up a car."
"Nice! How much time you do?"
"Wow.Ever get finger fucked in there?"
"I managed to avoid that actually.Thank god."
He smiled.
I smiled back.
"Your hot." He said
I laughed.
Just then a car sped down the street and stopped at the house.My house now I guess.It was Aria.I also didn't notice that Jake left because his car is gone.
"Don't you live there?" He asked
"Who's that then?"
"Foster parent." I replied looking back at him.
"That must suck."
Aria exists the car, walks up the stairs, then walks in the house.
"I should go." I said
He almost... I mean almost looked disappointed.
"Uh ok.See ya around?"
"For sure."
I said walking backwards smiling.Then I turned back around to make sure I didn't trip on anything.
Once I reached the steps, I turned around and waved.He waved back, smiling.
I walk in the house and heard cluttering in the kitchen.I closed the door and turned back around to see Aria peeking around the wall.When she realized it was me she smiled widely.
"Hey honey.Where were you?"
"Just talkin to a boy.He lives in the neighborhood.And your home early..."I said.
"Oh that's nice.And yeah boss said it's a really slow day so I didn't have to stay.But it gives us more time to shop and stuff.You know.Go get you a phone, tooth brush, anything else."
"Yeah that would be great."
"Alright let me get my purse."

A few hours later;
In the few hours, we have been everywhere.I got a phone.And a whole bunch of other stuff.
"We are home!" She said smiling when she pulled out to the house.
I got out an helped her with all the bags.After about a 30 minutes, I finally got to rest.
I was getting my stuff ready to go take a shower when Aria walked in.
"Hey.Did you have fun today?"
"Tons.Thank you for the phone." I replied.
"Yeah no problem.dinner will be done in about 10 minutes.And Jake won't be joining us.Work thing." She said
Right 'work thing'.
"O ok."
"Also...the thing I wanted to ask you was, do you like it here?"
It took me a second to respond.
"Yeah.Its just going to take a little while to get used to it."I responded nodding.
She smiled and left.
After my shower- which was amazing- me and Aria ate dinner.I have got to say she cooks some good spaghetti.
Anyways I was in bed watching some show, when my mind kept wondering off to the boy I met today.
He was pretty cute.Cocky though.
After about 20 minutes I finally feel asleep thinking about the odd boy.
Next dayyyyy:
It had been a few days since I had met Carl.Every morning while Aria and Jake were at work he would come over.I would sit on my steps waiting for him come.Which I thought was a little odd.Ive never really done this for a boy.I refuse to let him in the house for many reasons.
It was about noon and I was sitting  on the house steps drinking one of Jakes beer.Aria just texted me that she wanted to hang out with me after she got off of work.I texted back with ok.Then Carl finally showed up.
"What took you so damn long Gallagher?" I asked.
"The important thing is, is that I'm here now." He replies snatching the beer from my hands.He chugs it and throws the can in the street.
"I wasn't done with that asshole."
"So?." He says sitting down next to me.
I shoved him.He shoved back.I shoved him again.Then he shoved me back.It quickly escalated to a wrestling match.I shoved him extra hard making him fall into the snow.But he managed to take me down with him.I If course fell in top of him.We just stared at each other for a moment.It was kinda like every thing stopped.Kind of hard to explain...We stared at each other until I rolled off of him.
Moment ruined
After an awkward moment of silence he finally spoke up.
"You know what I just realized?"
"You've never been to my house."
"You've never invited me."
"Well...I am now."
"Ok." I said
He got up then helped me back up.
"Let me grab my scarf okay?" He nodded ok.I ran inside grabbed my scarf and came back out.
"Alright I'm ready."
I walked down the stairs and he put his arm over my shoulder.
"Let's go babe." He said.
I took his arm off and shook my head.I made sure to put my head down so he didn't see my smile.
The walk was only like 2 minutes.
We stopped in front of a blue house, which wasn't ugly but wasn't good looking either.

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