⒞⒣⒜⒫⒯⒠⒭ 4

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This is the 4th fucking time I've been woke up from their arguing.Looking to the clock on my night stand, it read
I got up and ran down the stairs.
"What the fuck is it now?" I screamed walking into the kitchen.
Aria and Jack both turned to look at me.
"You stay the fuck out of this." Jack said pointing at me.
That's when I noticed the broken bear bottles on the floor.
"Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" Aria yelled at him.
"Shut the fuck bitch!" He yelled back.
"Just leave dude!" I yelled at Jack.
"This is my fucking house! I don't need to leave!" He yelled back.
"Just get the fuck out!" Aria screams at him pushing him towards the door.
He started to push back so I joined in.Being as mad as I was I was really strong at the moment.
We eventually got him out the door and locked him out.
"You come back and I'll put your ass in Jail!" Aria screamed through the door.
"I'm so sorry Leah." Aria said turning to me, bringing me into a hug.
We both heard his car start and drive away.She sighs and hugs me tighter.
"It's ok." I said letting go.
"Try to get some sleep ok hunny?"
I didn't want to say 'I can't' because I knew she wanted to be alone.I walked up the steps and laid down in my bed.Turning on the tv to some stupid show I sighed.
'What a night.'
I woke up at about noon and I had this feeling of...i don't even know I was just really pissed off.
I got out of bed and then wanted to cry but I don't like crying so I didn't.After I picked out an outfit I walked to the bathroom and did my normal morning routine.
After I walked back into my room grabbed my phone, a jacket, and a scarf.
And I knew exactly where I was heading to... the junk yard.
Old habit I guess.

I was standing on top of a car with a golf club in my hand, cigarette in my mouth, shattering the windshield.
"Hey! Hey!" Someone yells.
I was getting ready to take off because it could be a officer but when I looked up it wasn't.It was a guy with black hair and blue eyes.
"What the hell do you want?" I asked, out of breath.
"I wanna know the fuck your doing."he yelled.
"Just blowing off some steam.Whats it to you?"
"What are you doing out here?" He asked after a second of silence
"Like I said blowing off some steam." Then I went back to smashing all the car windows.
"How old are you?" He asked looking up at me.
I stopped and hopped off the car.I threw the golf club and looked back at him.
'Why does he look familiar?'
"whats your name?"
He raised his eyebrows and looked to his right, licking his lips and looked back at me as if he realized something.
"Nice name.Anyways, I gotta go.See ya." I said,walking passed him, blowing smoke in his face purposely.
Then I was on my way to the Gallagher's house.
Once I got there I walked in with out knocking cuz I knew no one would have answered and I saw Carl on the couch with a mirror in his hand looking at his arm pit, and Debbie who I had already met a while ago, was cutting up pictures.
'Just a regular day here.'
I thought to myself. Making myself chuckle.
"Bad time?" I asked sitting down on the couch.
"It's always a good time when your around." Carl said looking at me winking.
I just rolled my eyes.Debbie did the same.
It was quite for a second but then the door opened.
In walked a boy with messy brown hair and bright blue eyes.
Debbie was the first to get up when he pronounced he was here.
"Lip.Your home!" She said walking over to him, hugging him.
"Thought it was time I stopped by, check in." The boy 'lip' said.
"How are the coeds?" Carl asked.
"Oh, it varies by coed." He responds.
Then we make eye contact and he smiles.
"Didn't know your had a girlfriend already Carl?" He said.
"I'm not his girl-"
He put his arm on my shoulder and said
"Yea I know, she's pretty hot huh?"He said smirking.
I took his arm off.
"Actually I'm Leah, NOT Carl's girlfriend." I said shaking lips hand looking at Carl when I said not.
Carl rolls his eyes.
Lip laughs slightly and says
"Well I'm Philip.Lip."
"Like the nickname." I said.
He smiles.
"What's this?"
He asked referring to the cut out pictures and glue sitting on the table.
"Crappy art she's making cuz her boyfriend dumped her."
"You had a boyfriend?" Me and Lip asked Debbie at the same time.
"Yes I did."She responds to me and Lip, then looks to Carl and says
"And I'm expressing myself creatively.Your counting under hair with a mirror."She responds and turns back around.
"Check it out,four new ones!"Carl says, making Debbie almost get a face full of armpit.
"Get off of me!"
"Hah I bet that's more hair then you have in your balls!" I said, laughing.
"Wouldn't you like to know." Carl responded getting closer to me.
I pushed him and then he pushed me back.It of course turned into ya shoving each other back and forth.
"I win!" Carl yells in my face.
I stuck my tongue or at him and rolled my eyes, earning a chuckle from Lip.
Lip walks over and picks up Liam that I have just now noticed.Then a lady with a pink Indian looking outfit and apron on walks into the room and says
"Phillip! How nice! No one told me your home."
"The fuck is that?"
"Sheila." Carl responds looking at me then back to Sheila.
"Why is she dressed like..."
I looked back at her and then back at him.
"Her new boyfriend is Indian and she's dressing like that now I guess."
"Sheila? What are you doing?" Lip asks.
"Good question." Carl says.
Lip looks and him then back at Sheila.
"Well, Fiona is at work, and then she has a barbecue at Mikes house, and I said 'I'd be happy to watch the kids'." She said smiling.
"And you and Liam are having a candle lit dinner?" Lips asks with furrowed brows.
"Well Fiona said I could have my date over."
I couldn't help but chuckle at that as I got up to get myself a drink.
When I opened the fridge I saw a couple beers in there.I was dying to have one but I didn't want to take theirs.So instead I grabbed a soda and stood in the door frame and opened it.I felt a pair of eyes on my and I looked up.There was Carl staring at me.He of course looked back down once I caught him.
"Did you watch me the whole time Gallagher?" I asked as I got back to the couch.
"Maybe..." he smirks
I scoffed and set my drink down the table.
Lip sets Liam down and asks
"Hey have you guys heard anything from Ian?"
"Not for weeks and Fiona doesn't even care." Debbie respond turning to him.
"What about the US army? Heard anything from them?" Lip asks
I give Carl a questioning look and he just shrugs.
"Ian joined."
"Is he old enough?"
"No he used my name and social to sign up."
"That sounds fun." I said smiling.
"Then he tried to steal a helicopter and a bunch of other shit.Went AWOL." He finished
"Also sounds fun." I said nodding.
"Awesome." Carl says.
"Does Fiona know?" Debbie says.
'Geez way to be a Debbie downer...literally'
"No not yet.Whens she gonna be back?" Asks lip.
"Doesn't always come home.Lots of Sheila babysitting." She responds turning back to her 'art'.
"Couldn't you call her?" I suggested, sitting up on the arm of the couch.
"No, it's not the kind of news you wanna deliver over the phone." Lips responds.
I just shrug.He's right.
"Hey, is that your boyfriends head on tooth picks?" Lips asks
I laughed a tiny bit.
"It's sort of abstract.-"
She was going to say something else but I interrupted.
"Abstract? More like Ass-stract." I said laughing.
She turns and glared at me and finishes
"I'm calling it True Love."
"Super creepy..." Carl says.
"Collectors will pay millions for it one day.An early work from Debbie Gallagher's collage phase.I'll see ya guys later, okay?" Lip says.
"Where are you going?" Debbie asks
"Gonna go ask around about Ian."
Lip responds.
"Bye." Lip says walking out the door.
"See ya!" I yell.
Debbie turns to me.
"Like you know anything about art."
I frown sarcastically and roll my eyes and sit back down on the actual couch.
It was silence for about 5 minutes, and I couldn't take it anymore.So I got up and walked into the kitchen.There was Sheila.
"Hey." I said
"Oh hello...who are you."
"Leah, Carls Friend."
"That's nice.You seem like a sweet girl."
'Then you have no idea who I really am'
"Carl's a really sweet boy to..." she said turning to me smiling.
I looked to the couch to see him looking through a play boy magazine.
"He sure is..."I reply, turning back to her with a fake smile.
After a second of just watching her do whatever she was doing, I walked back into the living room and set down on the couch.
After a couple hours of play fighting with Carl, making fun of Debbie, and beating Carl's ass in some shooting game- 2 times I might add, we went up to Carl's room.While we were in there I was on my phone half the time and he was looking at another play boy magazine.
"Can I tell you something?"
I asked Carl.
"Sure." He responds.
"My foster parents were fighting all night last night."
He looked up
"That sucks.Sorry." He said.
"Yeah.I'll be back." I said hopping off his bunk bed.
I walked down the stairs and saw Sheila, an Indian dude and...Frank  sitting at the table.
I cautiously made my way to the fridge and grabbed a bear chugged it quickly and threw away the bottle.I walked into the door frame and looked at the scene.Frank and the Indian were sharing a joint.I was going to ask for a hit but I also didn't want to get HIV or some shit.
"Olivia!" Franks says looking to me.
I sigh and say
"It's Leah Frank."
I scoffed and ran up the stairs.I walked into the room and sat on the bed that was across from Carl's bed.I looked up at him and saw he had my phone in his hand with a shocked look on his face.
"What are you doing with my phone?" I asked.
He set it back down and quickly said
I walked over and picked it up.
There were about 10 messages from Jake
Your a piece of shit you know that!
We should have left you in Juvie!
I'm going to make your life a living hell! Yours and Arias!
Aria wants a divorce! And guess what I could settle papers to get custody of you, you little shit!
I didn't bother reading the rest.They were just more threats.
I sighed and looked up at Carl.
"I got to go...I'll see you tomorrow Carl."
"Are you sure?"
He jumped off his bed and stood beside me.He had a look of worry on his face.I smiled and brought him into a hug.It took a second but he eventually hugged back.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I said letting go and kissing his cheek.
He just nodded with a little but of blush on his cheeks.
I smiled and walked out of his room.I grabbed my stuff and walked back outside.I walked down the street and looked at the house .Nobody was home.
As if it was timed I got a text my Aria
Sorry hunny but I'm going to be doing a night shift.If you don't feel safe by yourself at the house.You can stay at the Gallagher's.❤️
I respond with a quick ok and just continued walking down the street.
I didn't want to go back to Carl's house, because 1 it would be embarrassing to say
'Can I stay here? I don't feel safe in my own bed.'
and 2 I don't want to.
So instead I made my way to the junk yard and found a nice car with a comfortable backseat.
It took a while but eventually I fell asleep.

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