Chapter 11: The Mortal Stick is Taken

Start from the beginning

He did however notice all the flowers in the place, dots of color scattered all over the forest floor. The most common color, oddly enough is blue. How is that? Hardly any flowers are blue to my knowledge.

One day he'd made the mistake of hanging out with Dawnpaw all day back when Dustcloud was punishing him. He'd expected a quiet day of herb gathering, as whenever he'd been around the pale apprentice before she'd been nothing but soft spoken and gentle. Boy was I wrong!

As it turned out, herbs made Dawnpaw very excited, so much so that she talked animatedly about them the whole time they were foraging for them in the forest. I now know that horsetail and dock can be made into a poultice to keep our infection and heal wounds, catmint is for coughs, and borage leaves help queen's produce more milk. She'd shown him a lot of herbs that day, yet he hadn't seen any blue flowers amongst the mix.

As if he'd read his mind, Jemsong answers his unspoken question. + The blue five petal flower is known as the Blazing Star. It's used to heal the very worst coughs. It also was an omen from StarClan that there needed to be five clans in the forest.+

Goldenclaw felt a ripple of surprise at that. Who knew one plant could be so important? He wonders this without saying a word. For the rest of their journey to the falls, they remain silent. Instead of talking, the two toms focus on moving as fast as they can through the thick undergrowth, occasional shafts of sunlight warming them through the dense trees overhead.

*****Arrowheart's POV*****

As it turns out, the other side of the house wasn't lined with more houses right thereafter. No, there was something much worse for them to deal with. Arrowheart and his companions stare at their newest obstacle with expressions of fear and anxiety.

Just past the front yard was a giant stretch of blackened pavement. The smell of burnt rubber and musty dirt fills the air. A huge Thunderpath lies ahead of them, with loud monsters zooming across it with lightning fast speed. The metallic creatures were moving so fast that they were almost nothing but blurs to the naked eye, yet he could still see Twolegs riding along inside the monster bellies. Arrowheart felt his fur spiking in horror.

"How can Twolegs let themselves get eaten by monsters? Do they really have that little sense?" He asks his companions.

Sparkpaw shrugs. "While I can't say anything for the second question, I can say that monsters aren't actually real so twolegs aren't really being eaten. They're just riding along inside the cars, or er monsters. I've been in one myself once, it wasn't that bad." She tells them, her gaze fixated on the yellow monster passing by.

Arrowheart notes that the thing has a black checkered pattern on it, though he can't fathom why that would be. Why is it yellow? It looks like a bee? Why are Twolegs so weird? Twolegs were oddly like ants he'd noticed, just running around without a care in the world. The almost hairless creatures were just so aimless and random, and he was unsure if he'd ever understand them.

He felt increasing unease at Sparkpaw's words, though he knew that was not her intention. "I don't think I'll ever understand that. How could you just-" he cuts himself off when he feels a soothing presence at his side. Patchfur was padding around him, the warlock's tail sliding gently along his back. The soothing feeling this provided had the intended effect of Arrowheart's fur falling flat, though his ears remained pressed to his skull.

"It's alright Arrowheart. The less you think about it, the better of you'll be. Let's just get this over with." Patchfur gestures to the ThunderPath.

Sparkpaw watches the two toms interacting with curious eyes. Arrowheart is thankful she doesn't ask any prying questions, because right about now he was still on edge enough to go as far as to claw her ears off. Not literally, but then again, Sparkpaw would wish her ears were clawed off after she was forced to listen to my long rant session.

Book 2: City of Ice and Fire (a warriors cats and shadowhunters crossover)Where stories live. Discover now