quick anoucement

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Hey guys I just wanna thank you all for reading and I know I haven't published the knew chapter sorry about that but I will publish it as soon as I can but in case you didn't know the only thing in this storey I own is my wrighting I just wanted to let you know that all this amazing art is drawn by littlekiwifrog on Tumblr and so is the comic the characters are all owned by Steven King.               (sorry if I spelled that wrong)
And I advise you to check littlekiwifrogs Tublr and Steven Kings books. Also I hope you all enjoy my storry I'm working on anouther storey as well as my tik tok and YouTube channel so that's why its takeing me a long time to get this finished anyway have a great day and goodbye.

IT tunrs good A.U (Origanal by littlekiwifrog on tumbler)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat