CH:10 the bowers gang part 2

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When he got the attention of three bullies...

Gorgie stood back up relieved to see pennywise. When suddenly penny turned into this thing. It looked like a deformed bird or some kind of mutated cintipeed mixed with a clown. Gorgie was so startled he jumped back and triped on his own foot and he plumped on the ground but he wasn't scared. Meanwile the bowers gang (Minus belch) were freaking out and screaming witch to Gorgie was kinda funny. Since to him penny was nice. And how Gorgie saw them act all scared just of penny was  funny until...
Henry fell to the ground with an arm from pennywises gapeing jaws clinging to Henry's leg. The other two boys had already ran off. And Henry was getting pulled closer and closer to the jaws of pennywise. As penny realested a hellish screech. "Holly crap!  I swear ill -ill never bother him agian! Please!" Henry was clinging to the grass horrified and utterly terrified screaming and yelling as high as he could. "I'M SORRY!" He screamed. Gorgie was getting a little anxious he couldnt move what could he do to let penny know that thats enough. It only took a few second for the clown thing to get more violent with the unholy screams becoming louder and more arms grabbing Henry pulling him in faster. That's when Henry found the gun he droped when clown amereged from the berriens. Henry quickly grabed his gun. And shot at pennywise. Penny stoped and let go of Bowers as he ran as fast as he could back home. Pennywise shapeshifted back into his clown form. Gorgie felt safer knowing that penny probably was trying to scare the bullies off and just took it a little bit too far. "Penny?"

(I just realised the other bully name the unfamiliar face  is victor and now I feel dumb)

IT tunrs good A.U (Origanal by littlekiwifrog on tumbler)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu