CH1:The S.S Gorgie

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"O-ok G-Gorgie she's ready to s-sail". Said Bill Dembro little Gorigie's older brother."she?" Gorigie asked confused. "You always call a-a b-boat she" Bill exclaimed . "Oh." Gorgie said pretending to understand why someone would call a boat she. "Billy are you shure you wanna stay inside?" Gorgie asked hopeing that his older brother would play with him."I-I wold p-play w-with you b-but I-im *chough* d-dieing". "You're not dyeing Billy." Gorgie said a little anoyed. "O-oh yeah?" Bill asked "did you not see the f-fifty gallons of my v-vomit in the t-toilet t-this morning?" "That's gross." Gorgie said as he headed out to play without question because he didn't want to hear more about Bills vomit situation. With his raincoat on he raced trough each and every puddle following his surprisingly fast papper boat. "S.S Gorgie whoop whoop!" Gorgie said pretending to be a captain of a huge pirate ship not paying attention to anything but his presious boat. When suddenly Gorgie herd someone singing. Gorgie drawed his attention foward were he thought he herd the singing come from. But when he finally looked forward his head hit a road block. When Gorgie looked up he realized that his boat had sailed further away from him. Gorgie quickly got up and ran as fast as he could to catch it. But he was too late he was only a few inches from catching his boat but it went down the sewer drain. Gorgie got on his knees and looked down the sewer drain in am entempt to get his boat back but not a soul was found. Or so Gorgie thought until he saw two yellow eyes stare back at him.

IT tunrs good A.U (Origanal by littlekiwifrog on tumbler)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz