c h a p t e r f o u r

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HERMIONE SLID HER HAND into her duffel to make sure the two flasks were there. They felt cold against her fingertips. Like Malfoy's hands. She felt like a dead fly being examined by a microscope.  She was a translucent specimen, and he could see all her gears spinning on their wires. There she was bumbling out some sob story in front of him.

"What an idiot. " Hermione mumbled to herself.

Without Harry and Ron, she was the only one in need of chastising. Hermione glanced around at the fungi growing off the glass walls. It was Herbology class, and Hermione was less than excited. Next to her, Ginny dramatically gagged at the smells. There was a loud clattering noise, and the whole greenhouse shook. Drops of water rained down on the students. Professor Sprout gave the students a skeptical look, before hobbling into the center of the room. At this point, skipping didn't sound so awful. 

"Good morning class." Professor Sprout said.

"Today we will be inspecting the Valerian plant." Professor Sprout carefully pointed a finger at a small patch of pinkish flowers, almost as if she was afraid of them.

"This is a basic plant. Everyone come closer so you can see." Professor Sprout said. 

Hermione already had a good view. Others shifted in. Valerian was a simple flower, that was dusted with a sprinkling of pink. If she were a muggle, she would have easily mistaken it for a wildflower. Hermione shifted, and her eye caught a shock of pale hair. Another movement, and pale skin and his chiseled face stepped out from behind some plants. Malfoy looked at the flower curiously before staring off into space.

Hermione's face burned. This was humiliating. What did he think of her? 

Who had he told? 

 That alone slapped Hermione back into reality. Everyone would know she was a werewolf. As she studied him, she wasn't so sure now. He had changed. He probably didn't even care about her 'awakening.' Kindness wasn't his forte, but he had listened to her. She could feel her heart pounding in the pit of her stomach. All she could see were his clear eyes, staring at her. Then gone. He listened to her. That was something. 


Hours had passed like seconds, and it was lunch. Hermione's stomach growled. She'd never felt so hungry in her life. Grabbing her plate, she loaded it with as much as it could fit. She found herself craving potatoes and meat more than ever. Ginny laughed and mouthed "periods" on her lips. Then she turned back to the letter hidden from others view under the table. From the angle, Hermione could make out the title To Ginny, and the underneath, from Harry

"You gonna open it?"Hermione teased. 

"Yeah," Ginny said. 

Ginny slowly opened the envelope like it was fancy wrapping paper. Hermione swallowed another chunk of steak. Somehow, she liked the thickness and dry texture against her tongue. It probably had something to do with being a werewolf. Immense cravings for rich foods. She would have to do research on it later.  Neville looked at Hermione's plate with raised eyebrows. 

"Blimey Hermione! That's the most I've seen you eat."

Ginny looked like she was going to say something, but Hermione cut her off. 

"Yeah! I'm so hungry."

"Are you still growing?" Neville asked.

"Probably," Hermione said. 

"Lucky. I've stopped growing." Neville said. 

"Oh yeah!" Ginny said, "Hermione's shooting up there." 

While normally Hermione was self-conscience about her servings, her immense cravings overpowered her cares. She played along with her friend's spiel. Hermione shot her friend a smile, before pointing at her. 

"And is that all you are going to eat?"

"Oh, shut up! I'm on a diet!"

 Hermione took another bite of steak and tried to eat it with manners. Slice slowly. Put a small piece in mouth. Chew. Chew. Swallow. Ginny nudged into her.

"Do we have homework for potions?" Ginny asked. 

"The two-page essay on the Pepperup potion," Hermione said. 

Ginny groaned. 

"If I have the time, I'll help you with it."

"Thanks. I'll  need it." Ginny said. 

Hermione mentally sighed. She shouldn't have offered. Her schedule was already spilling over with research and studies she had to work on. Transforming into a werewolf was worse than she could ever believe. Not that she ever expected it, but still. It took over her senses, reflexes, eating patterns, everything. She wouldn't be surprised if she woke up with claws and thick roots of hair all over her body. She had to be careful not to tell anyone about anything. At the thought, Hermione reached into her bag, to double-check if the Wolfsbane was still there. One. Her fingers brushed against the edge of a flask. She searched deeper until she felt the cork cap of the other. Two. All clear. 

Hermione scooted her chair back, picking up her plate. She glanced around the Great Hall until her eyes found Malfoy. The other Slytherins at the table drowned him out, but she could make out his face. He was talking to Pansy with a small smile on his face. His hair was splayed stupidly across his face. The smile reached the edges of his mouth. He shoved her jokingly and glanced around at the others. Something inside of her begged for him to notice her.

"No." She muttered. 

She was losing it. It was Malfoy. The once hurtful name was now confusing. She wished everything was black and white, and not a weird grey mixture. She could feel her face heating up. Hermione turned and left the Great Hall quickly.

Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"

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