14: This Can't Be Happening!

Start from the beginning

"I'm going with them." You jabbed a thumb at the Hobbits as Legolas cocked an eyebrow. To your surprise, it was Gimli that piped up.

"Lassie I don't think that's a goo-"

"I will be fine. Now go!" This was a perfect time to get your revenge from Legolas teasing you. You bent down and pecked Gimli on the cheek and grinned at Legolas. Gimli stood there dumbfounded and Legolas was absolutely glowing. "Cheerio!" You waved and skipped over the bank to Merry and Pippin, well more Merry as Pippin was jammed between a rock and the boat."Here." You grabbed the front of the raft and yanked it forward, freeing Pip from the icy depths. "Thanks, Y/N." The poor Hobbit doubled over wheezing.

The orange sun was now in the center of the sky at its full strength. Water crashed over rocks and soil as the river carried the Fellowship deeper into Middle Earth. The thick forestry surrounding them creaked and groaned and the wildlife became more scarce. Something was there. Something dark, twisting, evil. The chirping of birds, the croaking of frogs, the flipping of fish ceased completely nearer to the north shore they got. Though they were not alone. In the deep darkness, another set of eyes flicked between each and every one of them, its slimy hands twisting a rotting branch as it sunk its teeth into a moldering sheep head. It was almost time.

The fresh breeze was refreshing as it lessened the heat of the sweltering sun. Your hair flew back behind you in long locks of Y/H/C, which Legolas admired from afar. He could hear the notes of your laughter on the cool wind and sometimes when you turned around the twinkle in your Y/E/C eyes.

"Are we there yet?" Pippin asked for the fourth time in the space of an hour.

"Almost Pip." You smiled and looked behind you. You laughed as Boromir and Gimli were teasing Legolas about something which you found quite amusing. Pay back to the darn elf boy. The long trip had given you time to create a plethora of different names for him, some of which included: Barbie, Lego-Boy, Blondie, Twirly Wirly and so on, but one stood out the most. 'Woodland sprat.'

"Make dock to that shore!" Aragorn roared over the wind as he indicated towards the sandy bank on the left. The free of you landed on the bank with relative ease which surprised you as you thought you were going to capsize. You swung your legs over the side and hopped out. You turned and lifted Merry And Pip out with a splash.

"We make camp here tonight." You wondered onto the shore, smiling at Legolas who had worry written all over his pale face.

"I think we should move on," Legolas whispered to Aragorn.

"We are far from the east shore. We should be alright." He gave a brotherly pat on Legolas shoulder, but that did not ease your boyfriend's mind. Rightly so.

"It's not the east that worries me." He said, peering into the dark forest. You watched as Boromir and Frodo wandered into the forestry to collect wood. Uh Oh. Thinking about what was about to happen made your stomach do back flips. You put your hand into your pocket for reassurance from Cabbage.

"Y/N, Can I talk to you?" You turned around to see Aragorn beckoning you away from the rest of the group.  You complied and followed him, the walk was a few minutes long full of silence. The two of you stopped in front of a large tree, Aragorn turned to face you. "I need to tell you something." You nodded, urging him to go on.  "Y/N I do believe you have stolen my heart. I love you." Your whole body froze. Oh no, no. no. This cant be happening! I have a boyfriend! He is my brother! You stood there, eyes wide, you tried to say something but the words seemed to be caught in your throat. Before you could register anything, He bent down and placed his lips on yours. You felt sick to your stomach and were about to pull away when you heard a hoarse whisper behind you.

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