Part 8: Jealousy

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Madelaines POV 11:12 am:
Vanessa and I than got into the car to get ice cream, we headed to baskin robins and than Vanessa decided to stop by startbucks to get us tea. The entire way there we held hands, fingers intertwined. It felt amazing to be able to hold her hand we even held hands when Vanessa payed. After we got our tea and ice cream and we're heading home I looked over at Vanessa who was paying attention to the road. She was so beautiful, she didn't notice me staring while she drove so I stayed there for a couple minutes watching her. I watched every detail on her face when she drove. How whenever she turns her back comes off the seat. How when she moves lanes she's very quick and her eyes widen a bit. I couldn't help but smile watching her be herself just driving. I wish I could see this everyday for the rest of my life. If only. Vanessa pulled into the drive way grabbing her tea and than she looked me in the eyes "wait there." She quickly got out of the car speed walking over to my side of the car and sitting down her purse and tea on the door step. She opened my door putting her hand out for me to take. I grabbed it also grabbing my tea. "Thanks babe" I say blushing, she always did the little things. Like holding the door open or going to the store to get me something I was craving, it was just the kind of person she was. Which Is what I love about her. She than grabbed her things locking the car before entering the lobby to her apartment. She held the door open for me and we headed back to the apartment. We than entered into Vanessa's place with a very big surprise awaiting us...
Vanessa's POV:
I unlocked the door to my apartment to hold the door for Mads when than all of a sudden I see Charles sitting on the couch with flowers. "Babe?" I said looking at him. I kinda missed him but more in a friend way. I'm still figuring this thing out okay, so I'm not to sure what I'm feeling right now. "Baby! I missed you!" He said with a grin running over to me. Okay now I've realized I've missed him a lot what does that mean?! I jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist, tea still in hand. "I brought you flowers my love" He said setting me down. "Thank you babe" I said,  he always does the little things which is the cutest. I grabbed the flowers giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking to the kitchen to find a vase. "Mads I'm guessing your feeling much better or something?" He said very confused. He looked at Mads waiting for an answer but she didn't speak she just looked at me. I set down the vase and flowers and pulled Charles to my bedroom. "I'll explain in just a second just stay here I'll be back" I said shutting the door to my bedroom I walked to Mads grabbing her hand and pulling her into the hallways of my apartment complex. "I'm gonna tell him" I said looking at her asking for approval with my eyes. She than nodded. She looked almost disappointed, "baby what's wrong?" I say resting my hand on her cheek. "What if he isn't okay with it what will happen to us look ....I don't know, maybe us being together isn't a good idea" she said looking down at her feet she looked upset but also angry and I didn't know why she was saying all this. We had an amazing weekend with each other and now she's bailing. I love her and she's leaving...again "what do you mean Mads?" I say taking her hand. She immediately shews my hand off hers. "The second you saw him it was like I didn't exist. You ran into his arms like it was normal. Your face lit up when you saw him, you missed him Nessa and it's clear you want him. So why am I here huh?!" She said crying while yelling at me, her face was red and I could tell she was hurt. "Baby please don't say that" I say looking at her, my eyes were now watering I'm losing her and I didn't know what to do or say, not that anything could change what she was feeling. "Why because it's true Nessa? Have you thought about how hard it is for me to see you all over him huh? Your marrying him Nessa and I'm the best friend that's hopelessly in love with her best frie-" Mads stopped herself. What did she just say...that she's in love with me? All of a sudden she snapped "I'm done with you with us, I don't want to be just some play toy you can play with when your bored okay? I'm not some toy Nessa I love you and your over here playing me and I'm done!" She was now yelling tears streaming down her face. She didn't understand that I loved her and I would never use or purposely try to hurt her. And it hurt to think she would think that. "Baby please don't do this, I want you! I love you madelaine. There is that what you wanted to hear?im in love with you and your all I ever think about and it's hurts me to know that, because I don't want to hurt Charles. I'm so in love with you and I don't want you leaving me again! You have no idea how bad I was hurt last time you were here for me you up and left! But Charles he stayed by my side and took care of me and where were you huh?" I was screaming at her while balling my eyes out. I felt guilty for saying all this but it's all true. She left me for not reason.
    Madelaines POV:
After seeing her with Charles I began yelling at her. I couldn't control myself it all just came out. I love her but it hurts way to much to just be some side piece she can just play with whenever she wants. "Baby please don't say that" she told me and than she said the words! "I'm in love with you" she kept talking but I didn't pay attention. She said it she felt the same way as I did! But what does this mean? She still is choosing Charles. Vanessa than came over to me taking my hands. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm just scared" I looked up at her and saw her looking down at her feet. "I'm in love with you too" I say to her smiling. She looks at me with a huge smile. "You do?" She says looking me in the eyes. "Who wouldn't Vanessa. I know it's soon but I want to be with you. I want to be able to walk in the mall being able to hold your hand and know your mine all mine. I don't want to share you Vanessa, I want all of you to be mine and mine only." I say letting a tear out. Each word I just said I meant it, Vanessa wiped the tear away "Mads I don't know if I could do that" the second she said those words my heart dropped I can't even describe the feeling but than somehow it got even worse. "I love you Mads so much...but I love Charles. He didn't leave me like you did he stuck by me. You didn't madelaine" she said letting her tears fall. My heart dropped I couldn't breath. I couldn't describe the pain that came over me. I've never experienced something that hurt so bad, after she said that I fell to my knees crying. I couldn't control myself. I just lost her, because of my stupid decision to leave her and I shouldn't have done that. She knelt down to me hugging and rubbing my head. "I'm so sorry Mads, but I have my whole life with Charles and I want to start a life with him" she said her voice cracking. It seemed like she tried convincing herself of that but she couldn't. "The only reason I left was because..." I than stood up wiping my tears away "Mads why did you leave" she said with teary eyes. "I have feelings for you Nessa and I was scared to tell you. I was scared you were gonna reject me and never speak to me again so I left. I knew if I left you wouldn't be as hurt, I wouldn't be as hurt" Vanessa than began walking towards me trying to hug me "no I can't be near you ever again you hurt me Vanessa I'm hurt. Please just leave me alone" and with that I walked to the stairwell and sat on the steps crying my eyes out.
    Vanessa's POV:
And with that she left. She ran to the stair well and left me standing there broken. I fell so guilty for the things I just said, I was just so angry at her for leaving and I tried to put those feelings away but they all came out and now she's gone. I made her cry I made her upset I made her break. I was so scared of someone hurting her but instead I hurt her. I couldn't take it I threw my body against my door slowly falling down it landing on my butt. I put my head in my knees and sat there crying. I could barely take a breath, I just lost the girl I love I did that to her. I broke her, I did! Charles than swung the door open which I than feel over still crying I layed there while Charles tried to calm me down but I couldn't stop. I hurt her and I told her I didn't want her, that we can't be together but without her I don't know who I am. I have Charles but he's no Mads! I need Mads I want her. "Mads!" I said crying into Charles shoulder. "What about her baby?" He said rubbing my back I ignored it and kept crying I couldn't talk about it all that just happened.
I will be posting again tomorrow:) I hope you have been enjoying the story this far and thank you sooo much for the support it really makes my day!💛sorry that this was pretty short but I had a long day today tomorrow's will be much longer

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