Part 3:

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Madelaines POV:
7:47 am
I was sitting on the hood of my car looking over the city. Vanessa and I would always come up here together to watch the sun set or rise. We both would come on our own to just think because it was a great place to think about issues. Since I've just now realized my feelings for Vanessa I've been realizing a lot of things. How Vanessa's the only person I like touching me or how she's all I think about all the time. It hurts at the fact that Vanessa's falling in love with Charles and I'm just considered her best friend always put second after Charles. I began crying into my hands trying my best to calm myself down. I knew that I couldn't hide these feelings and that Vanessa didn't feel the same so my only solution would be to stay away from her. For good. I can't even imagine life without Vanessa but now that these feelings have come up and the fact that I can't control them I'm gonna have to stay away from her. Which is gonna hurt worse than I'm feeling now. And Travis....I feel bad I've realized I never really loved him I just loved the thought of him. Which I feel so horrible about. By now I'm sobbing and than I feel a hand on my shoulder.
Vanessa's POV:
I than got to our spot and saw her sitting on the hood of her car. She was crying into her hands I than walked over placing my hand on her shoulder. She slowly lifted her head up looking me in the eyes. I felt so bad her eyes were red and her mascara was running. She than began to cry harder and I pulled her into a hug and sat on the hood of the car with her. She cried into my chest while I rubbed her back and arm. She than began to calm down. She than looked up at me, her eyes still red "I'm sorry" she said looking down at her hands. I than placed my hands on hers "don't tell me your sorry you don't need to be, your my best friend I'm gonna be here for you whether you like it or not" I said lifting her head up to have us staring at each other. "How about we go back to my house and relax,no drama just a girls night?" I knew whatever was going on about Charles and me it would have to wait Mads came first no matter what. I also needed to talk to her about what's upsetting her so much lately. She than nodded looking down than popping her head up and checking her watch. "Vanessa you have your date with Charles at 12" she looked disappointed but hopeful and the same time. "That doesn't matter your my number one priority above anything else Charles can wait." I than grabbed Mads hands and we got into my car. "What about my car?" Mads said looking over at her car. "I'll come pick it up tomorrow, promise" I said resting my hand on her hand she than smiled looking at
our hands. She than intertwined our hands which made me happy. We than arrived at home walking into my apartment hand in hand.
       Madelaines POV:
   Once we arrived at Vanessa's house hand in hand. Yes we were holding hands and god my stomach had so many butterflies. It felt so perfect to be there with her. I knew it didn't mean anything to her and I needed to end our friendship but I needed one last night with her. One night where we cuddled, where we held hands, I got to hear her laugh, see her smile, and have our nightly tea talks. I knew our friendship ending would hurt us both but it was for the best. Vanessa suggested we watched Netflix so I put on gossip girl, while she grabbed snacks and blankets. We watched an episode without any cuddling than decided to have tea. We talked for 2 hours about random things. I tried my best to make it last as long as it could before it all had to come to an end. The two hours went by so fast and I have to say it was the best 2 hours of my life.
      After our 2 hour talk we laid down in the bed watching gossip girl. At first we weren't cuddling until I decided to make the move. I moved closer to her lifting her arm up that was over her stomach. I rested my head onto her chest laying my hand on her waist and the other under her. Vanessa than rested her arm around me starting to rub my arm I than tightened my grip on her waist not wanting this night to end. She than giggled as I did "I love you Mads so much" she than kissed the top of my head. "I love you to Vanessa, you have no idea." I than fell asleep. I knew that tomorrow I was gonna tell her that I was done with our friendship so I tried making the best out of the night. I planned on moving in with Travis in San Diego so that I wouldn't have to deal with seeing Vanessa around L.A.
       Vanessa's POV:
   I woke up with Mads snuggled into my neck with a tight grip around my waist.i smiled to myself she was always so adorable when she slept. I planned on making breakfast so I tried getting up but than Mads tightened her grip more on me if that was possible. "No stay please I want this to last for a little longer" she said with her eyes still closed having a smile and a sad look on her face. I had no idea what was going on but I than nodded my head laying back down rubbing Mads back. I sat there for another hour while Mads layed there, until there was a knock at the door. I got up while Mads groaned very loudly. It was just a package which was from Mads. "Mads?" I yelled looking at the package. She than came into the living room "yeah?" She than saw the package and got a very sad look into her eyes which than began to water. "Mads what's wrong?" I tried walking over to her but she ran into my room locking the door behind her. I just gave her space until she was ready to come out and talk. 5 minutes passed and she came out with all her clothes and makeup she kept in my room and she was fully dressed. She than set her stuff down "we need to talk" she sat down on the coach and patted the seat next to her for me to sit. I than sat down, I was really nervous on what she was gonna say because I could tell she was nervous and her eyes were already watering. " I know this won't make sense but I think we should end our friendship and go our separate ways" instantly my eyes started to water I could tell she was being serious. " wait what why?" I am so confused why would she say this? I can't have her leave my life this girl means everything to me and she's leaving for no reason? I than began sobbing and so did she. "I just feel it's best for the both of us. There's stuff going on with me that you wouldn't understand and I can't bring myself to tell you. I love you Vanessa Morgan Mziray, and god I can't believe I'm even doing this I don't even want to-" I than cut her off " than d-don't Mads please don't do this to me.To us!" " Vanessa! I don't want to trust me this hurts so bad but it needs to happen. I love you so much but it's for the best." She than stood up trying to wipe her tears but it was no use they kept falling from her eyes. She grabbed her things and walked to the door, she slowly opened it all the way and stood there and looked back at me. "I'm sorry" she than put her head down and walked out shutting the door behind her. I than just sat there sobbing. I can't believe this happened to me, to us. I don't even know how I'll get through life without her she's to much of an important person in my life I wouldn't trade her for anything.
   I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope this was entertaining next chapter will maybe have you more shocked. Hope your guys days go well and thank you so much for almost 50 views already really appreciate it<3

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