They're In

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"Ouch", she said, after her head collided with the huge and unknown xeno machine, but Kiera heard Alison's words loud and clear.

They have arrived.

She scrambled up and got back up, awaiting orders from Alison.

"Warning - please proceed to the safe zone."

The whole lab was illuminated by bright red evacuation lights, activated by Professor Kontos' AI assistant - Iris. The lights only worsened the panic among the people inside, raising fear of danger and frustration to maddening heights. She observed people running away from her to the safe zone Iris directed them to. Yet she knew she had run in the opposite direction.

Towards the danger.

The Interceptors ran forward. "Kiera and Rick, go south. Norton, head to the north wing. Hailey and Justin, take the west wing. Arthur, come with me."

Kiera headed to the south side of the lab with Rick as Alison instructed, with Rick ahead of her. Suddenly, he stopped. He took a protective stance in front of Kiera and a finger went over his lips.

They've infiltrated the lab? Already?!

Kiera's hand instinctively went over her disruptor raygun, ready for battle. She calculated her steps and moved forward stealthily. Her watchful eyes scanned the blood-red corridors. As she took Rick's side, she saw a shadow next to him.

"Rick lookout!"

Too late. It shot the laser at his left temple, leaving him unconscious. Her eyes burned and she raged at It with her disruptor. But It dodged Kiera with ease and extended its grey pale arm, knocking her disruptor off her palm at the blink of an eye. It raised its laser to her head as It locked eyes with Kiera.

Time slowed to a tenth of its usual pace. The next 3 seconds played in her mind:

Okay, you got this Kiera - Tilt to the left, roundhouse-kick It in the face, and knock It off its feet-

Too late again. It fired the laser at Kiera, tossing her to the opposite wall. Her head came into contact with the metal floor. Her vision began getting blurry as pain penetrated her whole body.

Come on, not now Kiera...

Slowly, her vision went pitch black.


He regained consciousness, feeling as if nails had been driven into his left temple.

Where's Kiera?

Oh no.

Suddenly it dawned over him. She was taken by Them.

Rick sat up, his eyes burning at the thought that he let Them take his friend away. His eyes filled with tears soon turned to rage. Rick got up, his legs numb. He slowly walked and picked up the pace, trying to reach Alison and Arthur as soon as he could.

The crew needed her. He knew that they can't fight Them without the whole crew.

He had to get her back to the crew.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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