Kal had thought he had gotten lucky on the second day when one of those who had ridden in the boat with him and Daxas felt her heat fade. He then got to feel horrible for that thought as the woman began crying, her heat had left her before the gondas-laced water had worn off meaning that she wasn't pregnant. One of the girls later informed him that dog and wolf girls could tell if a woman was with child by how her scent changes, explaining how Daxas had known right away she had taken. He received his punishment, of sorts, when another of the girls went into season later that evening, climbing onto him with an apology and telling him that this was part of her normal cycle.

Now he sat leaning against a tree and expecting whichever woman was next to him to reach over and begin undoing his pants. Instead, she lifted his arm by his wrist and snuggled under it, laying her head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay, Kal?" asked Daxas.

The frustration etched into his features melted away, replaced by a weak smile. He gently hugged her to his side in response.

"Your body says, 'yes,' but your face when I came out here said, 'no.' Which is it?"

"Both, I'll be okay, but this isn't fun. At least not nearly as fun as I might have imagined only a few years ago," he said with his eyes still closed.

"The girls are trying to make it good for you, they've noticed you aren't very into it."

"Can you blame me? I've hardly been out of bed since we rescued them. If it were you or Rose waking me up for some late-night fun I might not mind so much, but I don't even know any of their names. Hell, I don't even know the name of your beta yet," he said sounding exasperated.

"Shelta, but she goes by Shell, and she won't be a beta for long," said Daxas. Kal opened his eyes and gave the wolf a questioning look. "We've decided to split up the pack, each of us will take half. One will stay here In Carris forest and fight to keep the slavers from taking any more girls while the other moves on to find new hunting grounds."

"Seems pretty drastic, but it's your choice," said Kal as he leaned his head back against the tree.

"Not as drastic as you think, a pack this big would take a lot of game to sustain. If we were regular wolves and dogs there wouldn't be an issue. However, we can use tools and traps along with our natural weapons, making us much better hunters than our non-magical cousins."

"Hmm, never thought of it that way," he said as he shifted his head slightly to avoid a ray of sunlight that had found its way through the forest canopy. "Who is going where then?"

"Shell is going to stay here. I would feel bad for any slaver who sets foot in this forest if I didn't hate them all so much."

"And you?"

He felt her shift beneath his arm, "I heard there's a nice wooded area south of a mountain range a few weeks east of here. From its description, there isn't a wolf pack currently living there."

Kal peered down at the wolf girl through one half-opened eye, Daxas was looking back at him a huge grin on her face. "Hmph," he grunted, "be sure to tell the other girls after this is all done that they will have to find other men, only you get to have access to me. I've no desire to end up in a situation where I have so many women I can't keep them all happy. Also, make sure they understand that it's you specifically and not 'the alpha' that gets breeding rights or something." He smiled as he closed his eyes again, "It will be nice to have all of my kids nearby once I get back."

"Did you mean that?" she asked.

"Which part?"

"Where you said you want me, and not 'the alpha.'"

TRC - Book II: Searching for the Sky (Male x Monster Girls)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant