Chapter 8

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When I got home, I went straight to the kitchen and made me some pizza rolls because who doesn't love pizza rolls. I sat down eating my delicious pizza rolls thinking about how Josue's party is gonna go and what his intentions were with me. Why is he messing with me. I should have never made that deal with him. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Ryan called my name. " Rose why was Josue sitting with you at lunch?" "Why does it matter to you about who sits with me," I asked feeling annoyed. I could tell Ryan was getting a little mad, but I didn't give a fuck. To be honest it was funny seeing him get mad over something stupid. "Look I know you're still mad at me and Eva and I don't blame you but Josue is bad news Rose." Wow it actually seems like he's looking out for me. But nope to late for that because I could care less about what he says. I finished my pizza rolls and threw them away. I turned around to face Ryan to only see him in deep thought. "Look Ryan I know how to take care of myself since you know, you never did." I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him an innocent smile while he showed guilt on his face. 

"Don't start getting in my business and start asking me questions like you're an actual caring big brother to me," I chuckled. Ryan sighed and looked down at me. "I actually do care Rose and I'm truly sorry for what I did back then." "Keep telling yourself that while I need to go decide what I'm going to wear to Josue's party," I said with a smirk. I started backing out of the kitchen slowly to see how Ryan would react to what I just said and I'm pretty sure he's not taking it well seeing that a vein is popping out of his neck. I laughed in my head and turn to go to my room. I started looking in my closet to see what I should wear to this stupid party that I don't even want to go to but it makes Ryan mad so that's a plus side. I finally picked out a cute outfit to wear. A white long sleeve off the shoulder crop top with a cute skirt that goes mid thigh. 

I checked my phone to see the time and it's barely 7:30.  I decided to get some homework done before I go to the party. When I was working on my homework I heard my phone ring. I picked up my phone to read the name to who was calling me. " Who the fuck is your knight and shinning armor," I groaned.

Phone conversation

Rose: Who is this?

Josue: Guess who I am.

I recognized his voice automatically. Why did this dumb fuck put his number in my phone?

Rose: Why did you put your number in my phone?

Josue: So I can call you to see if you're on your way to my party yet.

Rose: No but now I'll start heading over there now I guess. I rolled my eyes. 

Josue: Okay I'll see you when your here

And with that he hung up. I headed downstairs and saw no one was there which is good so no one can question me. I went to get on my bike and I noticed it was probably a bad idea that I wore a skirt but oh well.  I arrived at his party and saw a lot of people there. I got off my bike and walked in. The scent of alcohol hit my nose. I see a lot of girls grinding on guys and other people eating each others faces off. I started looking for Josue because what was the whole point of inviting me here. Out of nowhere this guy gets in front of me looking me up and down like a snack. "My eyes are up here asshole," I rolled my eyes. "Ooo a feisty one," the guy laughed. "Let me get you a drink." "No thanks." I turned around and tried walking away but the grabbed my hand and pull me to him. "Get the fuck off me," I yelled pushing him back hard. He fell on the floor and looked at me with an angry expression on his face. He got up and started walking towards me. 

"You know you're pretty strong for a girl.""Well I do have to protect myself from people like you." "We'll see how strong you are when you're in my grip." He tried grabbing my hand but I pulled it away from him. I was about to throw a punch until I heard someone yell. "What the fuck do you think you're doing!" I looked over to see Josue looking straight at the guy in front of me. Josue walked over and grabbed the guys collar. "Why the fuck did you not leave her alone, she didn't want you to touch her, " Josue spat at him. Everyone started looking at us. The guy started trembling. "I-I'm so so- sorry." Josue threw him to the ground."Get the fuck out my house and don't ever come back." the guy quickly ran out and everyone continued to party. 

"Thanks but I could have handled it." Yea but I'm your knight and shinning armor," Josue smirked. "Oh trust me I'm gonna change your contact name on my phone." He laughed and held out his hand. "What?'" I questioned. "Come on I know you don't want to be in here with all these people and the loud music." He wasn't wrong parties aren't really my thing. "Fine" I replied and rolled my eyes. He took me upstairs into a bedroom which I'm guessing is his. " I'm only in here because I don't feel like partying so if you try anything I'll throw you out your own window." He laughed while walking to his bed and sitting down. " Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything, I'm not that type of guy." That's probably true, he doesn't seem like the type. 

"Why did you invite me to your party?" I asked. "I wanted to hangout with you," he said giving me a innocent smile. I rolled my eyes, " and you chose your party out of all places for us to hangout at." Well it was short noticed and you wouldn't have hung out with me if it wasn't for our deal we made." He is right about that. I walked over and sat down right next to him. "Can you blame me though, I mean you were pretty rude to me when I first came back to school so how could not hate you." I rolled my eyes. "Hey, I have to keep up my reputation no matter who it is if someone disrespects me I have to put them in their place." He gave me a serious look. Well his mood changed quickly. Is he talking about me standing up for that girl in the hallway? This asshole is still mad about that? This guy really does have a huge ego which makes it so fucking hard to actually be nice to him. Does he really think I am scared of him. He's so fucking wrong if he thinks I am scared of him and will stay in place.

 "Well that's probably going to change," I smirked. "You see I don't let people tell me what to do and I don't care if you're the school's bad boy or in a gang." I get closer to his face to where we're only an inch apart. "I'm not scared of you and I don't think you really want to mess with me to find out what I'm really capable of." With that I got up and left his room. He is such a pain in the ass. I actually started to think that he was a nice guy, but I was wrong. Who does he think he is talking to people like that. I'm just gonna leave right after I go use the bathroom. I walked down the hall and found the Bathroom. After I was done using the restroom I looked at myself in the mirror. Dang I really look cute in this outfit. As I was about to walk out the bathroom ....

* Bang Bang Bang*

 I heard sounds of gunshots and people screaming. I looked out the bathroom window and saw everyone running out of the house and some others with black masks coming in. Great I'm guessing it's a gang. I need to hurry up and get out of here. I was about to open the door until I heard footsteps coming. I quickly locked the door and turned off the light. I stood in front of the door ready to beat anyones ass that comes in. I heard the footsteps getting closer. As they were getting closer I started getting a little nervous. But all I know is that I'm gonna fight like hell to get out this house. As they approached the door they started wiggling the door knob. I got ready in my fighting stance ready to fight anyone who comes through that door.  

Hey guys!! I know It's been a really really really long time since I last updated this story but now I'm back. I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting for an update on the story but the truth is, is that I lost inspiration. But I have it back now and I am ready to write. I'll be updating once or twice a week. Again I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting for this long. I wanted to say thank you for everyone that commented and voted on my story.It gave me motivation to continue writing this story. I really hope ya'll enjoy it

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