Chapter 6

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(Rose's gym outfit)

When I got home I went straight to my room and changed into my workout clothes. I needed to go to the gym because I didn't have a punching bag to hit. Everyone at school are stupid. How can they just stand there and watch what happend. But I'm not surprised because they did the same with me.

I wonder who that girl was. I know Josue is scary because he's part of a gang or has something to do with a gang but still I don't like seeing that crap happen. But I have to admit I kinda got a little scared when he was in my face though. But I'm good at hiding it.

As soon I was done changing I went downstairs and grabbed a water bottle. I was heading to the front door but it opened and there was Ryan and Eva looking at me. They were both looking me up and down like they were surprised of how I looked. I rolled my eyes and walked passed them. I got on my bike and went on my way to the gym.


As soon as I got there I made me a membership because I knew I was gonna come here a lot. I was walking around  the gym and saw a few people were here. Anyway I finally saw a punching bag so I set my water down and started punching it. Kept punching it for about a good 30 minutes before I felt someone staring at me. I turned around and saw three familiar faces. It was Josue and his two other friends.

Josue POV

Me, Drake, and Ash decided to go to the gym to blow off some steam. when we got there I saw a few people already working but then I saw Rose. When we saw her she was beating the crap out of the punching bag. We looked at each other surprised. Then we turned back towards Rose and she stopped hitting the bag and turned around and looked straight at us. How did shew know we were looking straight at her? I just put on a smirk so she doesn't think I got caught staring. We make our way towards her and she just rolls her eyes and takes a sip out of her water. "Funny seeing you here," I told Rose. "Yea, well I needed to punch something instead of your face," "Ouch that hurt," I patted my chest acting like I was hurt by her words. She just flipped me off and the guys just laughed. "I have an idea". " And I care because?"" How about we go box in the ring and whoever wins the loser has to do whatever the winner wants, deal?" Rose looked me up and down and was in deep thought. "Deal"." Alright lets go," I smirked.

Rose POV

I don't know what I was getting myself into but I know I couldn't turn down a fight from him. And besides if I win he has to do whatever I want him to do, sounds like a win win situation to me except if I lose I have to do whatever he wants me to do. We both made our way to the ring and were ready to start. One of his friends came to the middle of the ring like he was a ref or something. "Alright I want a clean fight, no cheap shots or anything that's not allowed". "Me and Josue just looked at him like he was stupid. "Okay fight!" he said ran out of the ring.

We started walking in a circle not taking our eyes off each other waiting for someone to make the first move. "I'm a gentlemen so I'll let you take the first hit," he says. I never really make the first move but since he insisted I guess I will. I got closer to him and I faked a left and punch to the right and punched the side of his ribs. He stumbled back a little and had a shocked expression. I swung my left arm and he dodge. I faked a right and did an upper cut. He stumbled back holding his face. His friends were looking at me with shocked faces. I saw a little blood on Josue lip. I smirked and said, "what's wrong Josue, thought I was gonna go easy on you?" He gained his posture and we both started circling around the ring again. "You know for a girl you hit hard". "There's a lot of things you don't know about me". With that said I swung my left arm and he dodge my punch. "You do know I'm not gonna punch you right". I looked at him confused. " Then why did you asked me to box?". "Because I know I don't have to punch you to win," he smirked. I rolled my eyes and swung my left arm but he caught it.

He smirked and pulled me close to him and basically my chest was touching his. "See what I mean". His face was so close to mine and suddenly I felt butterflies in my stomach. I snapped out of it. I gripped his hand and turned then flipped him over me. He was on the floor in front of me holding his back. "fuck that hurt". He was still on the floor holding his back, now is my chance to finish him with that I got closer to him and out of nowhere he grabbed my leg making me fall to the ground. He got on top and pinned me down. I tried moving but he was to strong. He's just on top smirking at me which pisses me off. " Are you done now," he asked. I tried budging out of his hold but he was to strong. Finally I gave up. "Fine," I rolled my eyes. He laughed and got up, holding out his hand for me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "So what do you want me to do?" He smirked at me like he just won the lottery. "You'll see tomorrow at school". With that said he turned around and walked out the ring. Just fucking great I thought.

Who knows what he got plans for me. I walked out the gym, got on my bike and went straight home. Soon as I got home I walked in and saw my dad on the couch. He turned and looked at me but I wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone. So I went to my room and took a quick shower and went to bed. I'm hoping he doesn't have anything bad planned for me I thought. Why did I agree to that stupid deal. Oh well I can't changed what happened so I just have to be prepared for tomorrow. With that said I drifted off to sleep.

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