We let go of each other's hands. "So, I was thinking that we could continue our chats" Zim suggests. I glance out the window, noticing the bright sunny day with a clear blue sky; not a cloud in sight. "How about we go on a walk, outside" I offer. "I can show you around Earth and we can continue our conversation as we walk." Zim's face lights up again, then slowly dims with worry. "Is it safe?" he asks. I nod. His face regains colour. "I like that idea, (Y/N)." I beam at the response.

We begin walking towards the door. "GIR!" Zim shouts. "I will be out for sometime. Make sure nobody gets in the house!" he demanded. "Yes Sir," GIR replied — his eyes turned from bright teal to deep red.  Zim and I were soon out the door.

I felt a cool autumn breeze pass by. I was managing to stay warm. I wore a baby blue sweater over an overall dress, with knee high socks covering my lower legs. Zim still wore his signature long sleeve stripped shirt and black pants. We walked on the sidewalk in sync. I glanced around at the outside setting. The small houses of different shapes and colours. The glistening green grass of each lawn with accents of dead brown grass. The sky was a brilliant baby blue without a cloud in sight. Everything else in this town maybe disgusting, but the neighbourhoods were shimmering, colourful, and beautiful. It made me appreciate finally being outside without having to run from danger.

After at least two minutes of walking, I started a conversation. "So, you'd still like to get to know me?" I asked, turning my head towards Zim. "Oh yes" Zim replied instantly. "How do humans get to know each other?" I thought for a moment. When Dib and I were getting to know each other, we would typically ask each other questions.

"We can go back and forth, asking questions" I prompt. A wave of confusion washed over Zim's face. "What type of questions?" he asks. "Any questions like, what's your favourite colour?" "Um, purple" Zim replied. "Alright, now you ask me a question."

Zim thought for an instant. "What do you like most about that part of Earth that you came from?" "France?" I correct, my eyebrow raised. "Is that where you're from?" I nod.  "Paris France is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The architecture and scenery is a work of art and the environment was so peaceful for a big city. What I loved most about it was that environment. My family and I would go on late night walks, witnessing the city light up. We'd go to libraries and take out as many books as possible, we'd walk through the Luxembourg gardens." A smile creeped onto my face as the memories of me, Maman, et Papa, holding hands walking through the garden, late at night, holding a basket filled with books. "Spending time with those I love in the places I love was my favourite part about Paris." Zim glanced at me with eyes of sincerity. "Sounds like you really liked this 'Paris' place?" I nodded excitedly.

"What about you?" I ask. "What's your planet and space like?" Zim puta clawed finger against his chin in thought. "Irk is very different from Earth. Irk is very cold, there is no water, sun or any changes in weather. Everything on Earth is coloured some form of purple. I never really had a favourite place to go or anyone I liked being around. In fact, not many Irkens wanted to be around me. All I did was stay home and invent things. I never had anyone to do anything with..." Zim's voice trails off, his head hung in some sort of realization of what he was saying. "I-Imean," he stuttered. "I had friends, they just didn't want to be around me." I smiled at his stutter. "I did find more comfort in space. It's cold and empty, but also pretty. The way the colours of different galaxies blend together is just...uh" Zim struggled to find an adjective. "Beautiful" I prompt. "It's another way of saying pretty." He nods. "Space was beautiful" he beams.

"I've always wanted to see space" I add beaming at Zim'a description of space. Zim smiles back. "I might just have to take you someday" he responded. "Then I might have to take you to Paris" I decide as we exchange smiles.

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