“Trust me on this,” Jada interrupts me, “On three.”

          What is she doing? I wonder as the crowd inches closer. Wait, she’s been firing arrows at Them, but has been unscathed.

          “One,” Jada counts.

          Why is she not being attacked? Why aren’t they bombarding the tree? Why are they only coming towards me? Can’t they see her?

          “Two,” Jada pulls the arrow back and aims.

          My fingers are sticking together. What is this sappy substance. Maple syrup? No, too strong smelling for maple. It’s making my hand warm. Wait, my hand is almost hot. I smell it one more time. Oh no!

          “Firesap,” I’m alarmed as I look at Jada and call her name.

          “Three,” she says as she releases the arrow.

          It sticks deep in the belly of the front carnegion and he charges up the tree. The others follow as if forgetting about me. Jada climbs higher up the tree until I can’t see her anymore. All of the carnegions are either in or around the tree. I’m in full panic now. I’m about to attack through the horde, but there’s no use.

          Jada’s dead. I know she is. There’s no way she could survive up in the tree with all of those gruesome creatures. I bury my head in the ground and just wait for the creatures to kill me too, but then I hear a hissing sound. No, more like a sizzling.

          I look up to see a small spark of light travelling towards the tree. It clears the leaves, and a few seconds later goes down the bark. There’s a huge explosion and a bright flash of light as the tree, along with the creatures, goes in flames. I’m thrown on my back as the heat and force from the explosion hit me and ripples through the ground. The last thing I see before I black out is a screeching and howling ball of fire.

          When I wake up, I’m covered in a milky ointment. It’s daylight, I’m not sure what time. My pack is right beside me along with my spear and swords, but not Jada’s. I tear up a little as I imagine here little body engulfed in flames. No doubt the sap would have burned her body until it was no more than ashes amounting to little less than a handful.

          What was that light that was floating through the air? Where did it come from? What about that arrow made them attack Jada?

          I hear something. It sounds like singing. I listen closer and make out some words:

“Sway to the melody so freely given, to a tune we all know. It’s a song of the earth and we all wish to hear it. Dance gentle willow, dance.”

          The voice is coming from behind a rock. I grab my spear and get up. I’m sore, but I don’t let it bother me as I walk towards the sound. It’s so melodic, almost angel-like. A few feet ahead, I see something glinting on top of what looks like clothing. I look more closely and am able to make out a bird shape. It’s a phoenix!

          I peer around the rock and see a small girl wading in a small pool of water. She turns to look at me, and I’m a mixture of excited and embarrassed.

          “Xain,” she says in an excited voice.

          I hide behind the rock, not out of fear, but because I realize that she was bathing.

          “It’s okay, Xain,” she says, “I’m wearing my compressive undergarments, I’m not naked.”

          “Good to know,” I say. I can hear her exiting the water. She comes around the corner and throws her arms around me. I can’t believe she’s alive. Jada is alive!

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