"Wipe Out," he answered and I go to kick his leg but he's too far out of reach. "Resorting to violence," he observed.

"No, just stretching my legs," I replied.

Shinso rolled his eyes, "So are you just going to sit on the floor or stand up?"

"I'm dusting," I replied after hesitating for a moment. The whole time I had been trying at least a little to get back to my feet but nothing had seemed to be working.

"Yeah I bet you are," he agreed sarcastically. He offered me a hand, "Clearly you can't do this on your own."

I scoffed, "That's a rude assumption."

"Don't be so full of it, we were out here for two minutes before you fell," Shinso leaned down and snatched my hand anyway.

I plant both feet on the ground, a little unsure about how we were going to manage this. Whenever Hideyo pulled me up she always used the ground as leverage, how would Shinso do that without falling?

It turned out I was just worried for nothing because Shinso didn't need to use the ground as leverage. He was able to pull me up just fine only using his arms. "Thanks," I said when I was back on my feet.

Shinso dropped my hand, "Yeah, now let's try and get at least one lap around before you mess up again," he said.

Shinso rolled away almost expertly and I watched for a moment before following. I wasn't able to catch up, not until he stopped and waited for me.

"You take forever you know that?" Shinso asked as I finally made it to him.

"Too bad, either get over it or teach me," I replied, I was expecting him to scoff or roll his eyes but his response caught me off guard.

"Fine, I'll teach you, just try and focus," he narrowed his eyes slightly, "I don't usually have much patience."

I raised my hands in mock defense, "I'll do my best."

Shinso started, "I don't really know what I do, but I know you're doing it wrong."

"That's helpful," I said sarcastically.

"Just try and push off from the ground instead of trying to walk normally," He instructed.

I did this and it worked better, I definitely needed more practice but I preferred it over my previous methods. "I think I'm getting the hang of this," I push off the ground once more and crash into the wall due to not being able to turn fast enough.

Shinso skated over smoothly, "You were saying?"

"I did just fine with balance, I just... didn't turn," I replied in an arrogant tone.

"So you forgot how to turn?" Shinso mocked.

"I was doing it just fine before, I just got carried away," I defended, my arrogant tone left my voice and I held onto the wall for balance as I struggled to stand.

"Whatever you say," Shinso said sarcastically.

"Any other professional tips?" I asked giving him an obviously forced smile.

"Don't fall and turning is very necessary," he instructed before rolling away elegantly. Why does he have so much balance? It's not fair.

I whined internally as I struggled to follow. I wobbled every few movements and fell at one point. This time instead of helping me up Shinso just chuckled lightly and judged me from a distance.

It took a few minutes for me to finally get to where Shinso was waiting. It was clear he found my feeble attempts at roller blading very amusing.

He didn't say anything right away, instead he tried to hide his small grin, "That was below my expectations."

"Really?" I asked, I didn't believe him, he seemed to have exceptionally low expectations for everyone.

"Yeah, you did really bad," he said simply.

"I blame your teaching more than I blame myself," I replied immediately.

"Maybe it's my teaching that's defective, maybe it's you," he retorted.

"Maybe neither is defective and it's just the skates," I offer as some sort of peace offering.

"That just sounds like an excuse," he said, before crossing his arms.

"It's not," I defend, why did I think trying to stop the argument was going to get either of us anywhere. It's not like it was hurting anything anyways.

I went to roll away so my word would seem more final. I was expecting a lot of wobbling from being unbalanced but I didn't think one small movement would make my feet roll out from underneath me.

I prepared for impact, this time I wasn't falling on my butt so it would hurt a bit more. I tensed my body but the impact never came. Instead I felt a strong grip on my bicep and it took me a moment to realize it was Shinso.

So I'm going to make some changes. (Not to this book so don't worry too much.) I'm not very proud of my Kirishima Fanfics so I'm deleting them. But then the next fanfics I'll do are Sero and Kirishima.

When I finish the Kaminari book I'll start the Kirishima one and then when I finish this fanfic or when I'm close to the end I'm going to start on the Sero one.

I'll keep the Kirishima fanfics up until September 1st so if you want to read it you have almost a month to read it.

If you guys don't like that I'm deleting I'm sorry, take screenshots or something. I just don't think they're very good. Both the books went way too fast and have really dumb plots. (Well I think so at least)

Thanks for reading this chapter!

Life of the Party ✔️||Hitoshi Shinso| Where stories live. Discover now