6: I Got You

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    I laid across the bed texting Freddie instead of finishing up with my homework. It was nice finally having someone to talk to on a consistent basis. After we made it official, I began hanging out with Freddie more when I had the time, he began teaching me how to drive and planned to help me with my driver's permit. He's been my extra motivation to get the hell up out of my mother's house. He makes sure I'm studying and doing my homework. He low-key hates when I text or call in the middle of my studies. The last thing he wants to become is a distraction. The day we made official was special it was on Valentine's Day, He bought me a bouquet of roses, a large teddy bear and a box of chocolate. In each of my classes, He tied a balloon to my seat with a card on my desk. I loved the gesture so much I made out with him in his car for an hour but had to stop myself.

I glanced over at the dead bullshit phone that I received from my mother around my birthday. When I learned it was actually from Rocko I was pissed and wanted nothing to do with it I only used it calling my mom and my clients. Freddie didn't hesitate to buy me a new phone after I told him that Rocko gave me the other one. He presented it to me wrapped in a bow, he also got Athen a new crib, months worth of diapers and a few outfits in various sizes. At first, I refused the gifts, but he made it clear that if I was going to be his girl I was going to be straight and since Athena was my daughter she was going to be straight too. I picked up the old phone and tossed it in a box full of junk and slid it under my bed. The vibration from my new phone startled me, I peeked at the screen it was Freddie calling.

"Hey, Krueger," I answered laughing.

He hated it when I called him Freddie Krueger.

"I see you got jokes." He chuckled into the phone. "This is important though." His raspy voice got serious.

"Shoot." I was all ears.

"I gotta pick you up a little early. I gotta make a stop." He sounds reluctant to tell me at first.

"What kind of stop?" I rarely questioned Freddie but him picking me up early requires me to get up earlier than normal and I barely get sleep as it is.

There was a brief silence on his end.


"I gotta shoot a move. I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

"It better be worth it getting me out my bed early." I huffed and rolled my eyes like he was in front of me.

"Who you on the phone with making all this damn noise?" Rocko barged in my room. "I'm trying to watch the fucking game!"

"Get out!" I yelled never taking the phone off my ear.

"Do I need to come slide thru?" I can hear him cocking his gun in the background. The last thing I need was murder going down in this house with my baby here.

"That won't be necessary." I placed the phone on the bed and got up. "Get...out...of...my....room!" I yelled, shoving Rocko out of the door.

I slammed and locked the door before he could try to come back in. My heart was racing. I just knew he was going to try to break this door down and kill me for that.

He banged on the door. "This ain't over!"

I picked my phone off the bed and Freddie was yelling my name.

"I'm here...I'm here," I responded out of breath. "I just shoved him out of my room."

"Did you lock the door?"

"Yes." I took another deep breath. It took everything in me to push him out far enough to close and lock my door.

A few minutes later, my mother was banging on my bedroom door.

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