Memory loss

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This is kinda like a scenario but also a small idea and also if you don't wanna read something pointless and dumb then don't even read all of this
It's stupid and boring and dumb
Sorry to bother your inbox

You always knew Any had medical problems and issues, mentally and physically and a lot of fears
She wore glasses, had a fear of heights,she's broken her foot before and she also has memory issues
The most important things will fly over her head
Any of course doesn't say any of this because she worries about how everyone will feel and if they'll just focus on her instead. Oh yea she also worries a fuck ton! Your teammates dislike it sometimes to
She also gets really stressed at times but that's everyone am I right?
But you and Lloyd got concerned one day during dinner, the others hadn't caught on
Everyone was talking and laughing at each other's comments
"Any did you get that bandage I asked for earlier?" Zane asked curiously looking to the blonde haired girl
Any bit her lip and raised her eye brow thinking "you asked me to get you bandage?"
"Yes I did, and you said that you would retrieve it so you left to go get it, we were in the medical wing and you were assisting me with re stocking" Zane says with a confused tone in his voice
Everyone looked at Any surprised and also just as confused as Zane
"When did we restock? I don't think I went out at all today... you must be going crazy Zane" Any giggled like it was nothing
You sighed "Any I met up with you when you supposedly went on your bandage run, you said you were getting coffee" you say in a even more confused manner than Zane did
Any just kinda shrugged
"Well Any will have to run tomorrow, please for now do the dishes, it is your night after all" Zane says walking out of the kitchen
"Alright!" She smiled and finished up her food and got up walking to the sink and putting her plate in......but then she walked away from it. Everyone had been done with their food to
Lloyd looked at you and the others when she left
"Is she ok? Did she hit her head or something?" Lloyd says to everyone
"Not that I know of" you say
"I wanna test this....let's give her some fake important news to tell Sensei about and let's see if she can deliver the news" Kai says happy with his plan
You and the guys agreed
The next morning everyone got into place
Lloyd went and woke Any up telling her she needed to go tell Sensei that there was a shortage of tea at steep wisdom and he needed to get some more
Any listened carefully to! She was intently listening to everything and nodding
Lloyd left and Any walked over to the room while you guys watched on a monster you and Jay set up with cameras everywhere around the bounty
It was you,Kai and Lloyd watching while everyone else was doing their own thing and keeping an eye on Any from there points of view
Any started walking to Sensei and looking into the kitchen getting side tracked
She walked in and saw the dishes weren't done so she did them
This went on the whole day! She just kept looking at other things and forgot all about what she was supposed to tell Sensei
You sat at the table for dinner and once Any came in Lloyd got up looking her dead in the eyes
"Any did Sensei get his news?" He asked looking closely at her
"What news? Is Sensei back from his trip?" She asked raising her eye brow
Sensei wu took a trip for some equipment for training last week.....and you knew this
You get up and grab Anys hand
"Will be back! I'm going to the doctor with her" you say waving while the others worry about what comes next and wave
Any was put threw a couple of tests and different things to see what was going on and the doctor brought some bad news
"Well Any is healthy but she has some sort of memory loss, it could be permanent or it could be short and just come back to her after a bit, monthly check ups will help but the more she forgets the more memory's are risked of leaving her mind forever...she may also loose all memory's of her family and friends....." the doctor says breaking the news sadly
How will you tell the others? she could just suddenly forget everyone!

I'm sorry for boring you with this sucks and it's dumb and just not that fun
Really sorry like super duper sorry!
I'm gonna start keeping updates to my self maybe...I really hate bothering everyone with these lame ideas
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry imsorryyyy!!!!!!!!

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