Princess's, pirates and knights

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Being princess in this time of my life was not the safest

There were pirates and the non allied kingdoms wanting money or even me and my non existing parents dead

More so for ransom at times

We don't bother to tell anyone that I'm actually basically the queen since my parents are both dead but that would put more of a target on me!

It was a warm summers day today and I was on horseback with Jake the guards and 2 other guards riding on separate horses while I was with Jake

He was like my personal guard and helped me with so much I'm very grateful for him but sometimes he can't help me

Especially in a moment or two....

We were stopped on our trail to look around for a bit because of the scenery and how the sun only shown threw some branches of the forest and others didn't have much sunlight so it was pretty dark

Suddenly both of the other guards were gone so Jake got his sword out and put his self in front of me as I bit my lip cowering in fear, I was a baby sometimes and I especially hated that, I'm 16 I don't know why I get so scared of death and kidnappings

A arrow shot Jake right in the chest and I go wide eyed as he fell to the ground

Jake! I yell and go down with him looking at his wound

And that was when  I was grabbed and pulled back up

The man who grabbed me laughed and pinned me to a tree while I struggling to free my self

He licked my ear and cheek giggling and tied my hands behind my back
He picked me up and I struggle but he slaps my ass in the process

I started to scream and yell so he gagged me and set me on his horse holding a gun to my head as we rode off

I could only cry and watch Jake slowly die back at where he was....

I was taken to a ship where I was tied up to the main staff post of the ship

The cheering and drinks began as celebration for capturing me and they set sail

The dark knights they were called, I had heard folk tails about them but having them really exist is terrifying

The captain cheered and came out of his quarters

Did you really manage to retrieve the princess? He asks (I can't see him since he's on the other side of me)

Yes sir! She's tied up right over there, she's quiet beautiful really captain the crew member says about me and I struggle as the captain walks over to me smirking

His hair was dark as the night and his eyes were as beautiful as a night sky when it's hinted purple

I blush slightly as he grabbed my chin pulling it up as he examined me

Ahhh you are right he is stunning, great catch today boys, I will be in my quarters if you need me
He picked me up after untying me and throws me over his shoulders brining me down to his room

He sets me in a chair and took my shoes off tying my feet to the bottom of it and hands were connected to it so the more I struggled the more it would tighten and put me in a back breaking position, I've been tied up that way before so I know what it feels like...

He chuckled and holds a piece of my hair letting it fall threw his hands

Now now little girl what shall we do with you? Sell you, offer you as ransom....keep you..rape you~

I shake my head as he laughed

I certainly wasn't leaving anytime soon....

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