A paranormal phenemon

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Ninjagos history is a long and complicated one. A group of teenagers protect the city from evil forces who want to take it over and destroy the peace the first spinjitzu master had created. Blah blah blah the story is too long honestly, although it only seemed like yesterday one of the most important life changing parts happened.
We finally found the tomb of the first spinjitzu master, conquering puzzles to find our way down here. I solved most of them though so clearly, I am the best at this whole finding a tomb thing.
Though we didn't expect Morro to be there, holding Lloyd at sword point. The poor kid would be on the ground if Morro wasn't holding him up. With some negotiating I decided to give Morro the realm crystal....though not exactly willingly.
Gaining our powers back I heated the bottom of the crystal up and threw it to him
Dropping Lloyd and catching the crystal, Morro cried out in pain and dropped the crystal. Lloyd kicked the sword of sanctuary out of Morros hand only to be blown back and pushed into the water. He was saved by me luckily...if I hadn't been there Lloyd wouldn't be here.
We walked to the entrance of the cave, I held onto Lloyd wrapping his arm around my shoulder walking slowly, Lloyd was shaking either from the cold or from fear though I honestly couldn't tell. His face was wet too either from the water or from the tears he was trying to hide from me.
It was a day I think I'll remember forever, I reassured the kid that I promised I'd watch over him. He was my brother and brothers look out for one another.
Though a phrase like that is not to be taken lightly. It means so much and the bonds you share with your brothers are different then brothers who are related. It's similar but in our case we aren't restricted to loving them no matter what. We choose to love each other no matter what.

"Come on Lloyd, pick up the pace!"
Lloyd punched faster and kept trying to get the high grounds on Cole. He punched at the padding Cole had strapped to his hands harder and faster than before taking Cole's critique.
"You can do better than that kid, come on!"
The blonde sweeps his leg under Cole's only to have Cole do a bit of foot work not only to dodge but to tangle Lloyd's feet up and knock him down with a thud.
Kai, Jay and Nya wince watching the blonde fall, feeling lucky it wasn't them hitting the ground.
Cole huffed out a breathless laugh and rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand "You did better this time. Getting used to your body again is going pretty well honestly" Cole took the padding off his hands and reached his right to help Lloyd up.
Lloyd sat on the ground breathing heavily to catch his breath looking up at the hand Cole reached out, taking it and being lifted to his feet.
"I can't really tell if I'm getting better or not. It's still weird getting to think and feel freely rather than hearing and seeing someone else's thoughts and movements".
Cole nodded "You're getting there though, of course it's going to take time but we should have that before the next fight! We knocked Morro off of that pedestal he thought he had so we are one step ahead" his tone was proud while putting his hands on his hips.
"Speaking of that.." Nya leads and catches the boys' attention. "We worked hard recently and got Lloyd back. I was thinking it was time for a day off".
"Do we actually get those?" Kai asked, tilting his head.
Lloyd sat down next to the brunette and took the towel he had handed to him to dry the sweat from his forehead, along with a water bottle.
"I mean of course we do, I think as ninjas we deserve more breaks than anyone!" Jay chirps up with his attention laser focused on the idea. "Where should we go anyways. An arcade?".
Nya looked at her boyfriend "no we're not going to an arcade"
"How about a bar for some drinks and pretty ladieeesss?" Kai asked,getting a collective 'no' from most of the ninjas.
Zane chimes in sounding like he was reading from an article "What about a festival? On our current course we are close to the town of ironclad. They hold an annual festival to celebrate their town's founding with a showcase for the iron mines they have around their town along with weaponry and forgery talents they show off. They also bring a traveling carnival with games and good food. To finish the night there is a firework show."
The ninjas looked at each other smiling in a silent agreement. "Well it's settled then, and this starts tomorrow right?" Cole asked, looking at Zane.
"No, it is the third and final day of the festivities which is why there will be fireworks. I am quite thrilled to see what kind of weapons they can create!"
"Wow we got lucky then. Now we just have to go" Nya says standing up "I'm going to get some good training in before then so I don't have to worry about it at all tomorrow". Jay follows after her "I'll help you!".
"I think I'm done for the day, me and green bean kicked ass in our sparring session" he nudged Lloyd's shoulder receiving a startled yelp from the boy catching the attention of Kai and Zane.
Cole quickly backed off of him "Sorry Lloyd! Didn't mean to scare you. Are you ok?".
Lloyd chuckled nervously "yeah I'm fine...just catching up is all". The other boys shot a look at one another.
"Lloyd, I've been meaning to ask. What was it like being...possessed...I only know what it's like to be a ghost but to be possessed seems so different" Cole asks curiously, lifting the weight off his chest from how long he's been wanting to ask that question.
Lloyd tensed up and looked down "I'm not sure how being a ghost feels like but it was hazy. Every moment spent thinking was mixed with morros thoughts and I couldn't move. It was so restricting to not feel my body it just felt like I was drowning. Kai snapped me out of it for a moment on that ship, sled thing. My body just felt like sludge though I hardly remember what I ended up saying" Lloyd held his hands in front of him staring at them "but I do remember watching him hurt you guys...it was worse than being possessed in the first place".
"Oh Lloyd..." Kai trailed off and hugged the blonde "you're home now, we're never letting you go again". Cole joined the hug and Zane placed his hand on Lloyd's head. Lloyd smiled and leaned into the touch. "Thanks you guys, that means a lot to me. It's really good to be back". The feeling was shared throughout the other ninja, having their brother back really put them at ease even if ninjago was in immense danger as they speak. They could take care of that later.
As the day went on the group slowly wandered inside and got ready for dinner. While walking to the kitchen from his room Kai suddenly grabbed Lloyd's arm pulling him away from his path. It startled him and Kai saw the scared look in his eyes
"It's just me! Do you have a moment?" The brunette asked and the blonde nodded.
The brunette guided him back onto the deck and leaned on the railing.
"You really don't remember what happened on that sled ride?" The red ninja asked. Lloyd stood still staring at Kai for a moment and then nodded "yes. I remember seeing you and telling you I couldn't fight him anymore but that's about it. Why?"
The brunette tensed up and Lloyd watched as he stood up straight. Kai's shoulders relaxed after a moment and he turned to Lloyd. "It wasn't important anyways! Let's go eat the feast Zane and Jay prepared tonight! Zane said he tried this new recipe for his pasta" Kai grabbed his hand pulling him inside distracting the blonde from the previous conversation. As long as Lloyd didn't know what he had said that day he could stop worrying about it and focus on the mission ahead. Besides he probably was too out of it to mean it so it didn't count if he truly felt like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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