~7 pm~

Everyone has arrived back in college, and they were all delighted to finally be able to go back home today.

Mr Choi: "Alright, thank you for allowing me to create such wonderful memories with all of you. Go back home and rest well, okay? School resumes as per normal tomorrow before summer vacation. I'll see you all at 9 am as usual! Rest well, stay safe!"

Cheers could be heard from various students before everyone dispersed from the group and walked home.

Baekhyun slung his arm over Seokjin's shoulders and asked if he wants to grab some dinner together. The latter declined without a thought, smiling happily as he walked to the bus stop. He was walking at a faster pace which he didn't seem to notice.

He wanted to see Jungkook right now— he needed to see him. God knows how much they have missed each other during their one week apart.


*door unlocks*

Jungkook flinched in surprise at the sound and did a last-minute check to see if everything was clean and tidy. He fixed his hair with his fingers as he waited for Seokjin to step into the house. The older opened the door and to his surprise, everything was clean and orderly. Except he didn't see the person he had missed terribly much.

Jungkook found himself hiding in the kitchen like a coward, suddenly feeling shy after not seeing Seokjin for one whole week. His cheeks were flushing red now and he tried his best to calm his pounding heart rate down.

It felt exactly like 13 years ago when he first stepped into the Kim's household.

Jungkook: "Stupid fool... what the hell are you hiding from?... Go out now!"
He muttered to himself quietly as he immediately regretted his action.

Jin: "Jungkook? I'm home!"

He shouted as he took off his shoes and placed them neatly by the door. He walked into the living room and placed his bulky bags by the couch.

Jungkook mustered up his courage after taking a few deep breaths through his mouth, and he finally stepped out of the kitchen. He stared at Seokjin's broad back in total silence.

Jungkook: "J-Jin hyung, welcome..."

Seokjin turned his head to the voice and his heart literally exploded in delight when he saw a blushing Jungkook, fiddling with his fingers. The younger met eyes with Seokjin and he couldn't help but smile shyly.

 The younger met eyes with Seokjin and he couldn't help but smile shyly

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Jin: "My precious baby! Were you waiting for me to come back home?"

Seokjin sent flying kisses to Jungkook as he ran up and hugged him, knocking both of them onto the floor

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Seokjin sent flying kisses to Jungkook as he ran up and hugged him, knocking both of them onto the floor.

They laid on the floor and Seokjin pecked Jungkook's cheeks repeatedly just like a woodpecker. Jungkook smiled in silence as he enjoyed this little moment with Seokjin, feeling his nervousness slowly slipping away now.

Jin: "My baby kept the house so clean while I'm away, I'm so proud of you!"
He ruffled Jungkook's hair gently.

Jungkook: "Hyung... don't you think I deserve a special reward from you?..."
Seokjin nodded with a wide smile and smooched Jungkook's neck lovingly.

Jin: "What do you want?"

Jungkook: "I only want you..."
He mumbled shyly and wrapped his arms around the older's neck, attaching their mellow lips together.

Jungkook sucked and nipped on Seokjin's lips, desperate and eager to feel the plump shape of his lips. They finally broke away and both of them panted for air with a laugh from them.

Seokjin got up from Jungkook and fixed his clothes, while the younger fixed his hair. They eyed each other's swollen lips and laughed even more.

Seokjin widened his eyes in surprise when he saw the feast Jungkook had prepared for him on the dining table. The table was full of dishes Seokjin had taught Jungkook to make in the past, and all of it looked so delicious.

Jin: "You made these by yourself?"
He asked in amazement.

There were five plates of steaming hot dishes on the table. Jungkook had to rush to the market nearby just to get all of these ingredients this evening. He nodded and pulled Seokjin to the chair before sitting him down. He then ran and sat on the opposite chair.

Seokjin smiled in silence as he suddenly felt like Jungkook had matured so much in just one week.

Jin: "I'll enjoy the meal."
He mumbled with a smile as he stuck the chopsticks into the steamed fish.

Jungkook smiled contentedly when Seokjin's brown eyes brightened up as soon as he bites into the tender fish. He showed Jungkook a thumbs up and poured the younger with sincere praises, making him scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

After they had their dinner, Jungkook washed all of the plates while Seokjin unpacked his stuff in his bedroom. He was finally done with unpacking after a few minutes, and he took out a fresh set of pyjamas from his closet before walking towards the empty toilet. He peeked his head out when he heard Jungkook humming in the kitchen.

Seokjin placed his pyjamas neatly by the metal rack and walked into the kitchen silently. The younger jumped in surprise when he felt a strong pair of arms snaking around his tiny waist.

Seokjin dug his nose into the crook of Jungkook's neck to inhale his scent.
Jin: "I missed you so much..."

Jungkook: "Me too..."
He finished washing the plates and dried his hands on a clean towel.

Jungkook unwrapped Seokjin's arms from his waist before turning behind to face him. They stared at each other lovingly, a smile on their faces as Seokjin took this chance to land a quick peck on Jungkook's velvet lips.

Jin: "Wanna bathe together?"

Jin's Little Bunny✔ (UNDER MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now