Chapter 6 Raising My Partners Level

Comincia dall'inizio

Race: Water fairy

HP 85/85

MP 210/210

AK 23

DF 34

MAK 56

MDF 73

INT 12

SPD 65

[Inherent skill] Fairy magic (water) manifestation dependent

Skill: concealment (B)

「Why does she have『Concealment』!? Not to mention the level is high!!」

「Did you know that Arena remain until the last moment of Hide and Seek, The next person found after her was Norn」

didn't know about that. Maybe she has talent for Hiding? Now that I think about it, could there be a high possibility that Arena has quite high specs? could she possibly be a late bloomer?

The person herself is puffing-out her chest while having a confident look. Mou... Let me squeeze that cute cheeks.


「Ah, this is useless, she's too cute」

「And so, although it's not the main subject, I'd like you to report about the situation of the world during the trip」

Testania-san takes out two elongated round bars? Such and incredible thing was handed to me. The size is around the palm size of a fairy, Fairy Letters seem to be engraved at its center, and fine workmanship was also done to its surrounding. The materials used is wood, probably from the world tree.

「This is a Communication Magic Tool created by the precious Fairy Queen , It was made by parts of the world tree and will be able to communicate with people that possess the same device. Magic Power used increases as the the distance from each terminal increases. If either one of us have enough magical power to activate it, it can be activated for at least 30 minutes」

Ooh!! Even though very limited in this world, there are things that can be handled like mobile phones. Even if it's not that good because its not multi functional, there is still the essence of this worlds civilization attached to it.

「Please take this along with you too」

「This is?」

It looks like a scroll of something, It also contains the same workmanship,but the material seems to be made of gold. There is only a little difference in appearance and is really light.

「I want this to be handed over to the representatives of the kingdom that you believe that can be trusted. The royal families of this world, if you trace back to old history, there is a treaty with fairies in cooperation with people. this is the proof」

「Is it OK for me to disclose my identity to the person I have chosen?」

「You can stay in Human condition, I think it will be good enough to just show Arena with you」

Indeed, will bringing Arena be good as a symbol for the Fairies?

「I'm not setting any deadline, but the faster you can find collaborators the better, I still don't know how the surrounding demons may react but just in case」

「Understood, I will try not to stay that far away as possible」

「Well then, Arena, I have agreed that you will be going with me on my journey but we still need to prepare a few things for you before that」

「What is it?」

「Well that... Fast Leveling!...」

In order to keep Arena safe, I decided to raise her level. More specifically, we will just let Arena hit it from far away, then I will Insta Kill it. It won't be close proximity battle, I will only let her throw stone or use fairy magic from far away.

The Strongest FairyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora