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I moved all around the house , holding onto my belly feeling the baby kicking around. A loud groan escaping my lips as I waited for Colby to get home. I couldn't help it , I ran into the room while taking my phone into my hands and dialled up Colby's number.

It rang twice before he answered , "Hey princess , how are you feeling ?" He asked in a conference tone. "I feel awfulllll. The baby keeps kicking and it's starting to annoy me now." I whined , looking down at my very round belly. "Aww baby , it's okay. Trust me it'll be worth it." He cooed out , "it better be." I snapped back. He chuckled at the opposite end , a smile resulting on my face. "When are you gonna be back ?" I asked out , already missing him too much. "Babe I just left with Sam , we haven't even reached yet." He said , "is there something you want ?" He continued.

My eyes lit up with excitement , "yeah , can you get some ice cream and oh pizza too." I blurted out. Colby laughed before he obliged and hung up , I paced around the house in his wait , eventually falling asleep on the bed.

After a couple of hours the front door creaked open as Colby entered in , holding a big box of pizza. "Here you go." He places the box in front of me before kissing me gently on my lips. I looked around in search for my ice cream , wanting it the most. "Where's my ice cream ?" I questioned him. "Oh damnit , I forgot to get that." He said , scratching the back of his neck in regret.

My eyes slowly starting tearing up as I craved for it the most. "Oh babe no no no. Don't cry please." He rushed towards my side and knelt down , wiping off the tears slipping out of my eyes. "I NEED MY DAMN ICE CREAM !" I yelled out in annoyance , not willing to even touch the pizza box laid in front of me. "How can I get it now babe ? The store must've been closed hours ago.." he trailed off sadly.

I glared at him with anger as he quickly raised his hands up in defensive. "Okay I'll..I'll try searching for it." He quickly grabbed his wallet and ran out the door. I leaned back into the chair before bitting into the pizza slices.

As I munched onto my last portion , I felt my eyes getting heavy from fatigue. Leaving the box where it was , I laid down on the bed and soon dozed off into a deep sleep.

Colby's POV

I searched from place to place , trying to find the specific flavoured ice cream that y/n always craved for. I reached at the last ice cream store and enquired about their flavours. To my luck , I did find the flavour y/n was looking for and rushed back home.

I placed the key into the keyhole and twisted it open , "Babe , I've got your ice cream." I called out to her. "Babe ? Y/n ?" I called out once again while heading towards our bedroom. I creaked open the door and found her laying down on our bed.

She must've fallen asleep while waiting on me I thought. She looked so pretty and peaceful while sleeping that I didn't want to wake her up and so I placed the ice cream into the fridge , knowing it wasn't worth waking her up for and walked back into the bedroom again. I placed the blanket over her body , covering her up before hopping into bed myself.

I watched her sleeping , her mouth forming a small pout as her chest heaved up and down. She slowly stirred in her sleep , snuggling against the warm blanket covered body of mine. I smiled , watching how cute she looked before placing a soft kiss onto her forehead , "I promise I'll love you and our baby forever." I said , gently caressing her head before pulling her closer to me and falling asleep with her being held into my arms.

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