Witches Forest Pt. 1

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"What's up guys , it's Sam and Colby , and today we're here with Jake and Corey. As you guys know from our last Stanley Hotel series , Jenifer told us about her cabin in this haunted forest called the Witches Forest and today we're gonna be exploring it !" Colby said , while doing the intro for their new video. "We'll be setting up a tent right in the middle of the forest while trying to catch as much of evidence we can".

Sam , Colby , Jake and Corey all gathered together and started pitching their tent in the middle of the woods. "Did we just-? Oh my gosh ! " Colby said , while getting excited over his skills and the small tent that they all just pitched. They all crawled in and made themselves comfortable. In between all their laughs and giggles , Corey heard a noise in the distance.

Colby's POV

"OH MY- DID YOU GUYS HEAR THAT ?" Corey screamed , making all of us jump. I was just on the edge of falling asleep , making me extra paranoid than the others. We all decided to get out of the tent and make a campfire which was a process of the 'fire ritual' Sam suggested.

While we were burning off the artefacts to 'cleanse' ourselves I could've sworn i saw a shadow pass by within the tress. Sam and Jake ran towards the shadow with me but little did I know that I was way deeper into the woods , trying to follow the shadow.

When I was close enough , I figured that the shadow figure turned out to be a girl.


Me and my friends came along to check out the Witches Forest which was considered to be haunted. My friends , being the annoying people they are , suggested we would go exploring in different pairs. I had teamed up with y/b/n and decided to go along with the plan. On our way we heard the leaves rustling and when I looked to my right , I saw y/b/n running away in the distance screaming , I tried to run after her but got lost , eventually giving up.

While trying to find my way back I ran into a guy , panting and trying to get ahold of his breath. He looked terrified , with his ocean blue eyes piercing mine. His brown hair with blue highlights were drenched in sweat , making him look even more cuter.

I snapped back into reality when he asked me who I was and what was I doing here. "Oh , I didn't mean to scare you. I kind of..got lost out here." "Are you all alone ? In the middle of the woods?" He asked me , still trying to catch his breath. I nodded saying , "I actually came here with my friends to explore this place out but ended up getting lost." I look around in all directions , trying to catch at least a glimpse of one of my friends , but couldn't.

"Oh , I've come here with my friends too. You can come along with me if you want." I was relieved and said , "thanks...?" "Colby , Colby Brock" he replied. I had a feeling that he seemed familiar but brushed it off.

A/N : my first ever imagine you guysss !! Part 2 will be out soon , don't forget to vote if you've liked it so far.

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