Coffee pt. 3/3

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-A very rushed and horrible chapter!! Read at your own risk!!-

Chan's POV

Confused. He was confused. His feelings were all over the place, and he just couldn't pinpoint what he felt for Felix. His heart told him one thing when his mind told him another. Chan gripped his hair and placed his forehead on his steering wheel as his thoughts blocked out all the noise around him.

You like him.

No, you don't! You just met him!

You're in love with him.

You fucked up once, don't do it again, Chan.

With this, Chan yanked his head up, accidentally hitting his head in the process. He let out a string of curses before turning the keys to start his car.

~Lil' Timeskip brought to you by Felix's smol hands uwu~

Chan laid on his bed and stared up at his ceiling in thought. His infatuation with the younger was no doubt noticeable, but he couldn't help but suspect his actual feelings towards him. Perhaps, his liking towards the younger was a friendly one of those sorts, being blinded with the absolute desire for love, clouding his mind to make him feel as if he had loved him. On the other hand, the small amount of time he has been with Felix might have brought his heart to open once again. His head pounded with the pain of the two possibilities swirling around his mind. He yearned for the final decision to be brought in front of him, but none came.

He gave up and turned to his side, closing his eyes. Images of the freckled boy passed his mind, making his heartbeat a bit quicker. He fell asleep with Felix's sweet giggle ringing in his ears.

Felix's POV

The poor boy kept tossing and turning, also confused yet excited concerning why his admiration for the older had grown in such a short amount of time. Exhaustion showed on his face as he sat up, unable to sleep. An image of Chan's frightened face when he had spilled coffee on him flashed in his mind, making a grin appear on Felix's face. He knew that he had a small crush on Chan, yet didn't admit his growing love for him. He suggested a compromise with Chan to figure out his feelings. It was as if he was determined to have the older by his side as much as possible, to see if he did like Chan.

And, it turns out he did.

He giggled a bit, closing his eyes with a smile. The hope in his heart expanding with each breath he took. The hope that Chan shared the same feelings he had for him. The hope that his crush could become something more in his life.

The hope.


-Next Day-

Third Person POV

It was an hour before closing time, and Felix hasn't come in yet. Chan was a bit confused because usually, the younger male would come around early noon and stay for hours. He looked around the cafe and the clock multiple times since he had arrived at work to see maybe just a glimpse of Felix. Finally, the door chimed indicating a customer had arrived. Chan looked up and to his surprise, Felix, was there in all his glory, but he wasn't alone. He walked in, his arms wrapped around the one he knew as Hyunjin's arm. Chan's eye twitched a bit out of envy, although Hyunjin was his friend, he wished so much that he was in his place.

The two walked up to the counter and greeted Chan, while he just shot them a fake smile. Hyunjin didn't notice and started to order while Felix just stared at him in confusion. Chan looked at Felix expectantly while the other just stared at him.

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