It was the next day, you had ended up sleeping on a bench at a bus stop. Not that you were complaining, it's better than spending another second with that damned so called 'family'. You slowly woke up, sat up, and stretched. Earning a few cracks from your back, must've slept on the wrong side. "Now, where the hell does someone go to find their family? Hm.. Can't go to the police, they're probably looking for me. I gotta keep a low profile from those damn mafia boys too. This isn't leaving me many options." you stood up from the bench and began to walk, where are you you may ask? Who knows, all you know is that you have to keep moving. No matter where it is, you have to get there. You were determined to find your birth family.

Not too far from your location, almost a week later, there was a party in Moonmans' Bar (idk if that's the name of it, please correct me if I'm wrong). Men clanging their bears together in celebration for their successful heist. "C'mon boys! Let's celebrate! Drinks on me!!" the demon boss preached over the roaring crowd of his men. Everyone was enjoying themselves as the celebration at the bar continued.

The party had lasted until late that night. "You gottaa frie- *hic* end in me!" a few drunken men sang together, arms wrapped around each others shoulders as they swayed side to side. The boss on the other hand, was sitting on a stool at the bar, chatting away with Moon as he cleaned glasses. "And that's when we made our big get away." Benicio spoke with a toothy grin. "Quite impressive, I wouldn't expect anything less from you Benicio." Moon said as he placed the few cleaned glasses away. The demon downed the rest of his drink and placed the glassware on the bar. "I think I'm done for the night, hopefully I don't have too bad of a headache later-" he was cut off by the sound of a scream heard from outside, he perked up to this. "What the..?" Moon began as he turned Benicios way, resting his elbows on the bar top. "That better not be your boys roughing around my customers or so help me-" it was his turn to be cut off by a gunshot ringing out. The boss stood up from his seat on the stool and fixed the collar of his dress shirt. Afterwards he headed for the exit, grabbing his gun from his waistband. "What about-" "Just put it on my tab Moon!" He cut the bar owner off as he exited the building. Leaving the passed out drunks to their own business.

(Benicios Pov)

     Once outside, another gunshot rang out. I followed the sound and was lead to an alley way where I was met with two silhouettes roughing around, one was quite noticably shorter than the other(that's you). The shorter one seemed to have gotten the gun out of the others' hand and was about to shoot them with it, but then the taller figure slammed them against the wall and held their wrists above their head. They dropped the gun. "You're not goin' anywhere little lady~ hehe, my boss wants me t' escort ya back t' his place. But I think I'll have some fun with ya since we've got some time to spare~" purred a deep males voice, more than likely from the taller figure. "Like hell you will ya perv! I ain't goin' back to that hell hole! And you certainly can't make me!!" A sassier, female voice snapped back at him. Struggled and kicking the man, he didn't take this lightly. He pulled her away from the brick wall, just to slam her against it once more, harder this time. "I like 'em feisty, but you are just a handful, ain'tcha darlin'~?" he mentioned, leaning down towards her attempting to make a move on this now limp figure. Damn, she must've hit her head hard. I'm not gonna just stand by and let this happen to some innocent lady. I aimed my pistol at the man. "Ey, bucko, I'll make this easy for ya. Let the lady go and you can walk your happy ass home scot-free." I offered, giving this guy a chance to escape the ass woopin' I'm about to give him. "Or what? You gonna tell on me pretty boy?" Welp, you can't say I didn't give him a chance.

(No One's Pov)

     With that, the demon shot the guys' foot, making him let go of the female, she collapsed onto the ground. Benicio didn't give this guy the chance to grab the gun on the ground, he put his in his waistband and proceeded to beat the living shit out of the guy. Afterwards he hoisted him over his shoulders and tossed him in the dumpster. He then turned towards you. You seemed to be unconscious, and you had a small gash on the back of your head along with a cut on your cheek. Not to mention bloodied knuckles from defending yourself. He picked you up bridal style. "Don't worry miss, I gotcha." He mumbled, he then made a phone call.

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