The Move

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*Rose's POV*
My name is Rose Star and most people think I'm the normal 17 year teenager. News flash I'm not, in my old school( Cougar High)  even though I wasn't a cheerleader I was the piopular girl. My parents are really rich and my dad got a promotion so now we have to leave Boise,Idaho and move to Miami,Florida. In my parents mind they still think I'm a virgin. Or should I say mom cause my dad rapes me when ever mom is away and she is always gone on business trips, so don't judge me for not knowing a lot about my parents. " Rose" my mom said," are you done packing so we can put the boxes in the moving truck".

"Yeah mom here's the last box." I walked downstairs and handed it to her.

" Well let's go our plane leaves in two hours."

" okay mom." I said hopping in the limo.


     The plane ride was so long and boring that I slept the whole way. When we got to the house I didn't pay attention to what street so I'll look at it when I go for my run later tonight.

My mom starting to say. " well Rose your room is upstairs, first door to the right."walking away from me.
    I headed up to my room and it was big, I had my own bathroom, and even a walk in closet.I notice I had a window and went to open until I saw a smokin' hot guy with a nice tan, blue eyes, Brown hair/ black hair was shirtless and had a towel wrapped around his hips loosely. I closed the curtains quickly because I needed to unpack. Once I was done it was 6:30 pm and I changed into sweatpants and a sports bra over my bra and went downstairs.

" Mom dad I'm going for my run be back later" I said walking towards to door and as I walked out I heard my dad yell"  be back by dinner I'll text you when it's ready".

After my run I decided to walk back home and I was looking at my phone and bumped into someone,"Oh my I'm so sorry." the person said helping me up." Its okay I wasn't looking where I was going," I replied. " but I was."  and when I looked up it was the sexy neighbor guy. " I'm Jake" he said. So his name is Jake, " Um.. Rose." then I started to walk away until he grabbed my wrist." Where you going, I know your my new neighbor I saw you in your room" I paused thinking but I closed the curtains then he continued"  I'm on my way home and I bet you are to need a ride?" I finally got out of my thoughts and shook my head and said"  no I think I'm gonna walk" as I tried to walk away again I heard him mumble" Okay like the tattoo" . Yes I had a tattoo on my lower back that some people call"  stamp tramp". When I got home I wasn't hungry so I went straight to my room and open the window for fresh air. He was standing there like he was waiting for but I just rolled my eyes and walked away. I got undress in my bathroom and took a shower and walked back into my room to grab clothes to change then someone grabbed me. When I turned around it was Jake.

    " What are you doing!" I yelled he just chucked and gave me a smirk." I just wanted to ask for you name,beautiful" ugh guys and nicknames. " No get out"  I said but he just stood there and then said " I think you should because the position your in right now."
He was right I just wrapped up in my towel and I sighed remembering that he already knew my name from early when I was out on my run so i said"  you already know my name so get out". He looked in shock ( probably remembering now too) and walked to the window and left. " finally" I said walking into my closet and changing. Wonder what tomorrow's gonna be like at school.

                      End of the move

Please comment and help me out if there is something you don't like or want in it. Okay please vote or something and as soon as I get a least five of either like to votes and three comments then I'll write another chapter.

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