The End?

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Rose's POV

I pick up a case of water and start to wash myself while making a pepperoni and pickle sandwich. I dropped the Nutella today because I need to watch my curves.

"Roooosseeee." I hear ominous voice behind me. Ugh. These bitches again?

"What do you want now?" I say rolling my eyes.

"We have some alarming news to tell you." Renesme says.

"What?" I ask.

"Jake is going to kill you." Galinda says.

"You told him you were a vampire witch, didn't you?" They both say in unison.

"No..... and Jake is NOT GOING TO KILL ME!" I scream while pounding on my table. I should calm down. I calm down.

"Rose, take this seriously." Renesme says softly.

"Rose, take this seriously." I whisper.

"Making an army to protect yourself. We will join." Galinda says.

"You should start training, Jake is strong." They both say in unison.

"No. I'm strong. Watch this!" I yell. Then, I slap my stamp tramp. Then, my stamp tramp started to glow. A high pitch sounds starts and heavy metal starts to play. My hair stands up.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I yell while whispering quietly. I am all powered up. Suddenly, Galinda and Renesme are behind me and they slap my stamp tramp and my ass stamp ramp. I power down. Damn. I'm tired.

"Rose. You're ready. We'll be back in time for the battle."

Jake's POV

Damn. I'm ready now. I am strong enough to kill Rose. She is going down. Do I want to kill her though? I think.

"Yes." Seth answers.

"We'll be there to back you up." Boo boo says. All of the packs will be there. Every single one. That's over 100. Damn. We have an army. What does she have?

Rose's POV

I start to make my army. I run to the nudist colony

"HEY. I NEED HELP. JOIN MY ARMY." Everyone jumps out of their houses. The beans are ready. They follow me. We run to Jiranda and Mennifer's house.

"Hey guys. I need help. Wanna help?" I say frantically.

They nod while looking at their phones. They follow. I run home with everyone and see Mark.

"Join me!" I yell.

He floats down slowly.

"Sure." He says.

We run to the top of my tree. Nixon's there.

"Bibbity boop noop coop." I bring him back to life. He's a zombie. Noice! Cool. Not enough people.

"Galinda!!!!!" I scream. She appears.

"Here's three witches. Catch you on the flippity flop." Galinda leaves.

"Reneseme!" I scream.

"Here's three vampires. Boopity boopity. Bye." She leaves.

We run to grocery store to stock up on water and pickles. Good battle food. Noice. Right as we are about to leave. Is that him?

Jake's POV

Is that her?

Rose's POV

Is that him?

Jake's POV

Is that her??

Rose's POV

"I am NOT ready for this!" I yell.

"Yes, you are." Jake answers.

"Let's fucking do this!" I slap my stamp tramp. I power up.

"Woah, Rose. I didn't know that about you." Jake says.

"It's new." I say.

"So....." I say.

"This...." He says.

"Is...." I say.

"The end?" We both question.

To be continued....

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