Witch is it?

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Suddenly, everything makes sense. Where am I? What's going on? I hear an ominous voice from behind me.

"Rose." Two women say in unison.

"What do you want?" I say timidly.

"We need to talk to you." The woman with red hair says. Her hair is almost the color of blood. Fuck.

"We need to tell you about your past." The blonde says. Her hair is as pale as the moon. Fuck. Double fuck.

Where's am I? I think.

"Where am I?" I say.

"In an another dimension." The red head says. Que Twilight Zone music.

Who's are you? I think.

"Who are you?" I say.

"We are your great great great great great great great great great great great grit great great grandmothers." The blonde says. ?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

"My name is Renesme. I am a vampire." The red head answers.

"My name is Galinda. I'm a witch. We have been planning your birth for a while." The blonde says.

"What, why? Lol." I say laughing out loud. I don't believe them. Hahahaha

"Haha" I say.

"We're serious. You are the chosen one." Renesme says.

"You can't tell your boyfriend about this. Good luck." Galinda days.

Then, they disappear.

What's the fuck? I think.

"What the fuck?" I say.

I blink and I'm back in the raggedy ass mother fucking house with everyone else. They're all looking me like they just saw someone die. Am I dead? I think.

"Am I dead?" I say.

Jake touches my shoulder and looks deeply into my eyes.

"Don't be stupid, Rose. You aren't dead." Jake says. "When did you get here?"

"Uhhhh. I don't know." I say looking around.

"Are you high?" Jake says.

"I wish lol." I laugh out loud.

I feel sick.

"Everyone go home. I feel sick. I feel sick." I scream. "Ahhhhhhhh" I whisper.

I start shewing people out.

"Shew shew. Get out." They're all dogs anyway. Idk what to do.

"Ugh. I can't right now. Jake you handle this. You forgot my boyfriend anyway. So, you do it." I scream at the top of my lungs. What's my problem? I think.

"What's your problem?" Jake says.

I sprint to the stairs. Which is only 10 feet away. And, I jump up the two flights of stairs. I heave. I gag. I projectile vomit. I feel sick. Damn it. I should have worn my second bra. I take off all of my clothes and plop on the bed.

"Boohooo," I sob.

"What's wrong, baby girl." Jake asks.

"I went to another dimension and these two ladies told me I'm a witch and a vampire. " I exclaim.

"Oh really?? Witch is it?" Jake says demeaningly.

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