~First Day pt.2~

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   ~Eric's Pov~
        "Eric!" says his mother before taking leave "What is it mom?" he says walking to his mom "Make sure your brother and little sister don't get hurt today, ok?" she says worryingly "I'll make sure they won't get hurt or be sad today, if they do get sad I'll teach that person who made my little siblings cry pay for what they did!" Eric says protectively "Good job Eric! But don't hurt that person or else you will get in trouble, alright darling?" "Fine but if they hurt my little siblings I WILL show them what REAL PAIN is," he says with venom in each and every word he said, "Alright but don't hurt anyone, ok?" "ok" "alright I will be going now, Bye!" "Bye!"

~Your pov~
     "Grell please Stop dragging me..." you say while Grell has a firm grip in your hand. After you say that  your older brother Eric makes Grell's hand loose so that she lets go of you "You then turn around and say "Thank you, Eric,!" you say while you hug him "I did promise mom that id protect you and Ronald-" Eric gets interrupted grell yelling out "WILLY~~~~" we then look at the kid who just arrived "um.. Grell who is this?" you say curiously while letting go of your brother "This Y/n, is-" Grell is then interrupted by the guy she was introducing me to"Hello, i am William T. Spears. I've heard a lot of things about you from Ronald, he says nice things about you" Awe! Thanks, Ronnie!"
"I told you not to call me that in public!" "Ok fine.....Ronnie" You then start running away while getting chased by Ronald. Just before Ronald caught you- *RINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG* the bell rang indicating that it was snack time"ugh!! You're lucky right now, if it wasn't for the bell i would of caught you and ask the tickle monster to get you" As the others laughed you all heard a creak and a creepy laugh 'hehehehe~' you all turn around and see the older shinigami with long Platinum hair and a huge cheeky grin "hello kiddos I am the caretaker, the name is Undertaker or Adrian, or whichever name you thinks is suitable for me! Also, it's time for a snack to come and follow me!" You all follow Adrian to the snack room and sat down while he gave you guys snacks. While you were eating you notice undertaker eating bones, you then walk up to him and say "Unnie?" undertaker then turns around and crouches down to your height and says while smiling " unnie? Is that what your gonna call me?"
You blush then nod your head, you then continue to say what you're here for "Anyways, Unnie why are you eating Dog biscuits?" Undertaker chuckles and says "hehehe~ They aren't dog biscuits Y/n, they are cookies just shaped in bones, wanna try?"
"Yes please!" "Ok, here ya go!" he says handing you one biscuit. You take a bite of the biscuit...."IT'S DELICIOUS!!" You say while tasting the cinnamon, you take a few more bites of the cookie but sadly, you then finish it "Can I have more?" You say but undertaker replies with "Sorry I don't have anymore but you can help me make a new batch" "REALLY?" "yes dear, now follow me!" You say while leaving the other caretaker with most of the kids
And the first day complete! If you like it then thanks I think it was a bit short but as soon as I make more, they will probably be longer and yEe -M
605 words

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