10 - The Trespasser on Starkiller Base

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To say things are looking up for me and my purpose for sneaking into the First Order is cautiously optimistic. I don't want to get too ahead of myself, a lot can still happen. Things can still go wrong. Only when I've gotten Ben Solo back and out of the First Order can I deem this success.

Ever since Ben's confession out in the snow, a lot has changed. I've built my two new lightsabers, both bear the color red thanks to "bleeding" the kyber crystals. It was not my proudest moment, I will admit, but to keep up the act, dedication was required. So now, I'm one step further away from being a Jedi. It's scary, even if it is just a cover for a bigger mission.

Ben and I still keep up appearances, but we play off of each other nicely. Ever since my approval to be with the First Order, the Supreme Leader has not asked for updates on my progress. Not that I've known anyway; I don't know if Ben is keeping those from me.

With the time that has passed, I can pick up on his presence no problem now. Currently, it is waiting outside of the door to my quarters.

"It's rude to stalk outside of someone's quarters," I say loud enough for him to hear. The door never opens. Sighing, I open it myself. The grave look on Ben's face is not a great thing to see first thing in the morning. "What's wrong? What's happened?"

"The Supreme Leader requests both of us," he says hollowly.

Of course, just when I think he's never going to want to talk to us..."Do we know why?" I ask, swallowing.

"No. Hux only told me he wanted to see both of us. We can't keep him waiting."

Nervous, I'm aware of my lightsabers swinging from their loops on my belt as I follow Ben to the room where I'd met Snoke before. If he's just asking for a progress report, we'll make it sound good.

When the doors open to the room, this time is different from my first. For one thing, Snoke's hologram is already present, which sends my heart into an alarming panic. I bite down on my tongue so I don't start to whistle. For another thing, I recognize the back of General Hux's head.

"Are we interrupting something? Is this a bad time?" I say before I can shut myself up.

Hux throws me a glare over his shoulder. "No, you're right on time, Galavan."

"What's this about, Supreme Leader?" Ben asks the hologram as we enter deeper into the room.

"We had a trespasser on Starkiller base," Hux informs both of us. "I was asking the Supreme Leader about what to do with him. We also figured you would have some opinions."

"Do we know much about this trespasser?" I ask curiously.

"According to General Hux, no. He's not like you, Miss Galavan. He apparently will not speak, either."

"Then we get someone to make him speak," Ben says.

"Perhaps your apprentice can gain some interrogation experience," Hux suggests. "It'd give her a better idea as to what we do here in the First Order."

"I've never interrogated someone in my life," I tell the general rather sharply.

"Today is your lucky day, then," says the Supreme Leader. "Get what information you can. Kylo will assist you and supervise you. Report back to me your findings, and we will decide from there."

"As you wish, Master," says Ben. I don't even hesitate when I bow before the hologram before he disappears. Ben looks to Hux. "Show us to the prisoner."

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