Chapter Four: Problems on the Way

Start from the beginning

This whole vacation presented to the both of them is an opportunity. For Aitken it is a whole week away from the beating of his 'father'. A whole week to just relax and enjoy the city. A whole week to experience the busy city life, new experiences. This may sound weird but he never thought of leaving this small town of Century Peak. He thought he could never have the chance to see the other parts of the world. With an opportunity given to him, would you think he'll refuse? Of course not.

"So when will we leave?" Ask Margaux happiness written all over her face.

"We will leave Sunday morning, so make sure everything is ready by then." Alex replied before he turned to face the happy Aitken. "Aitken, do you mind if I'll buy your painting? I plan to give it to my parents as a gift."

"I don't mind at all. I hope your parents will like it." Aitken now a little nervous for his painting will be gifted to Alex's parents. He never felt this nervous. Even when the vampire incident back in highschool was nothing compared to this. That time, he had control over the things if things went well but what can he do about the painting if things go south?

Alex and Margaux laughed at Aitken before Alex reassures him, "Like it? They'll love it!". Aitken beamed a smile to Alex's remarks then said a small "Thank you."

"We should get going now. We need to start packing. We only a day tomorrow to sort things out." Margaux informed them. They all nodded before proceeding to their cubicles to clean up.

Alex went into Stephanie's office to pay for the painting. He slid the receipt into his pocket. Stephanie reminded him to come and get it tomorrow. She bid him her farewell for the group's vacation and wished them a safe travel.

Before they leave the studio, Alex told to Margaux and Aitken just wait outside their houses at 7:00 in the morning then he'll come pick them up on Sunday.

Currently, Aitken, our boy, walks home. He's thinking about what to do tomorrow. Maybe he'll come to the studio and say his goodbye to Stephanie. After that, he'll go buy necessities for the vacation trip.

He looked up into the sky, noticing that it's already getting dark. The sky is mostly dim with little shades of purple, orange and pink clouds on. It's twilight. The sun is no longer present but it's remaining glory's still on the scene. The moon, slowly creeping up to the sky on it's last phase towards full moon. Maybe tomorrow evening will be a full moon. It's quite spectacular to see the moon on it's full glory.

Next time, I'll paint a twilight setting...

He thought to himself. He looked straight back and saw their house. You can see it lacks conditioning and maintenance but not to the point that it is condemned, just fading paint colors then small damages. A solemn look replaced his jovial one just seconds ago.

I'll paint a beat up house on a twilight setting...

He sighed, then continuing walking towards home with his faded olive green sling bag hanging on his waist. He grips the strap tightly as he approach the building readying himself for another round of beatings.

He opens the door, only to find out that his 'father' is passed out on the couch while the TV is running. The room reeks of a strong alcohol smell and cigarette. Aitken doesn't need a strong sense of smell to know that there's another smell lingering in the air.

He tiptoes to avoid waking up the stupid man. He struggles to walk over bottles of alcohols that lays on the ground, generously. Where do he get the money to buy these things? Maybe pension or something like that? Maybe he steals it? That not impossible for the likes of him.

He drops his bag as he enters his small room then throws himself to the warm embrace of his own bed, face flat. Aitken just lays their for several minutes, almost twenty minutes, doing nothing. He didn't even fell asleep. Just there laying, with his eyes closed but conscious. Thinking how his life would have been if he were normal with a normal family. Thinking that he didn't have to force himself acting. He isn't weird right?

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