Not Ready.

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I walked the streets of Ikebukuro. After all, there wasn't much else I could think of to do. It was quiet, no one around. Peaceful. I like it. I don't have to put up with anything, I just get to wander mindlessly. I really am strange. Honestly, humans were the last thing on my mind today.

I felt something small hit my head. Then another on my nose. Then shoulder. It's starting to rain. The soft droplets began to pelt the ground around me.

Am I depressed? I don't feel like it. Maybe I'm just changing. I wonder if-


|| Only minutes later ||

I gradually slipped back into consciousness. Someone was saying something. I felt my body being lifted, as if I weighed that of a small child.

"Damnit! Why won't you answer me?!"



That voice. Of course. Who else?

Without even bothering to open my eyes, I spoke, using the usual nickname. "What do you want, Shizu? Can't you see I'm trying to sleep here on the soft cement?"

He tightened his grip, causing me to open one half-lidded eye. He was in his bartender outfit, that was normal. His Oh-So famous brother bought it for him. How sweet, those outfits are all he wears now. Gross.

"You filthy bug! Flea! What did I tell you abou-"

Oh, please. "Tsk, I know, I know. 'What did I tell you about coming to Ikebukuro again?!' It's the same thing every time. I'm getting tired of this same routine, Shizu." The rain was now pouring, and my hair was soaked. My clothes, not so dry.

It's cold.

I want to go home.

I don't want to see this person right now.

"Let's play something else." I finished.

The look in his eyes was menacing. He was now sopping wet, too. "I'm not playing a damn game. Not this time." He dropped me, and put a firm grasp around my throat.

I can't breathe.

I felt my throat involuntarily closing as he squeezed tighter, tighter. "Shi...-zu-o-" My quiet voice choked out.

The glint in his eyes grew, an insane smirk plastered on his face. "This is what I've been warning you about, Izaya. Now, die!"

My eyes rolled, and I instantly reached up to dig at the hand choking me.

Tears poured down my face. Saliva gurgled out the corners of my mouth as I coughed and spat. I don't want to die.

I don't want to die.

Let me live.

Please, I just want to live.

"  I don't wanna.. d-ie-... I wan-t to go-.. ho-me."

His grip loosened and he dropped me. I rested both hands gently upon my sore throat, as I coughed and felt the oxygen returning to my lungs.

"How's that for a change in your, 'routine'? Stay out of Ikebukuro."

What a surprise.

Shizuo may kill me soon, but I am most certainly not ready.

The next chapter will be soon. I'll post it by at least Saturday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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