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"Well, seeing I no longer have a partner, will you be mine?" Waluigi said while rubbing the back of his neck,
I then out of instinct say, "Hell yeah!"
I internally fangirlled and after a little awkward small talk like, "what is your favorite color?" and that kinda stuff, it was our turn! I never really played tennis (sorry if you do) but let's hope that this new animated body of mine does!

      We were battling the prissy princesses... We served first and I let Waluigi do it, the ball bounced off the ground and was hit back by one of the princesses! I then hit the ball, but as the ball was going to hit the ground, it went straight into the courts flooring and into the dirt below. " Welll that didn't bounce much, heheh......heh.." I awkwardly laughed and then. we were serving again! I was serving this time and as I served, THE BALL WENT FLYING!!!!! But then hit princess peach's hat and made a hole in it, then it bounced off of the wall and hit Daisy's tennis racket and broke the strings!

"At least it bounced..." I say awkwardly.
After that, they both forfeited. As we were awaiting our next challenger, we got informed that everyone was too a scared to go against us, well, they were afraid mostly me......

Me and Waluigi both started celebrating, I jumped on Waluigi's back and we both started gloating "YOU CAN SUCK IT YOU JUDGMENTAL BITCHES!" You screamed "WHAT SHE SAID!!!" Waluigi replied.

Waluigi then carried you piggy back style, out of the court, and you made helicopter noises as you both exited.

Sorry this was a little weird...

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