Pretty hellish

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GI finally arrived at school and went to first period. I sat in my seat, and the teacher began talking. I mostly zoned out for the entire lesson......

Soon came lunch after 5 more periods of boring shit... I had sat at my usual table, with the other lonely/nonsocial people. Then, like in any story, one of the bitchy ass, daddies money, fake tits,  orange fake ass tan, looking like a botched doll, sleep with the entire football team, miniskirt, flat ass, cakey makeup, lookin like a bakery, cheating fish lookin ass bitches came over...

"Better stop eating sweetie" yshe said in sounding like someone pinched her nose shut. She then proceeded to pat my stomach.. I then grabbed her by the wrist and twisted her arm, making her squeak a little like a ducking mouse. She then walked off thankfully...

Last period

I had walked into my last period, sat down, and chewed my gum while sketching my sweet Waluigi! Suddenly my teacher told me to go down to the office, I did as told and began walking to the office. I got there and was immediately scouted out by the principal, and pulled into an office. I sat down and no other than fake tits herself was sitting there.

**After long ass lecture**
I then went home, really fucking depressed and went into my room and locked the door. I began sadly eating ice cream while listening to really emo songs and balling my eyes out. Just a normal Monday... I then began playing Super Mario, to try to lift my spirts, apparently there was going to be a new villain that was super powerful. From what I heard it was the Devil but female, I looked at the pictures and she was pretty sexy! I mean, her hair was long, they hadn't decided on a skin, hair or eye color yet, but she had one red eye.

 From what I heard it was the Devil but female, I looked at the pictures and she was pretty sexy! I mean, her hair was long, they hadn't decided on a skin, hair or eye color yet, but she had one red eye

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(Sorry for bad art)

Her nickname is "Queen of Hell" apparently, I personally think she is a little overpowered, but oh well. She seems cool enough..

After playing for a while, I went to sleep "why can't I just leave this universe" I though aloud, I then realized I left my console on. I got up and to turn it off, but just when I went for the power button it sucked me into the console!

Sorry for the cliffhanger, please vote for my story so I know you want me to continue it!

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