" She will be." I said. We all stood side by side. Everyone was still cheering. One of the CIA agents had to use a loudspeaker to quiet everyone down. Once everyone was quiet, he started talking.

" I'm sure you all know why we are gathered here today. We are here to honor these brave people that saved our lives once again. And for that, we are giving you all these." He held up a fistful of medals. Everyone cheered.

" I hereby give Mike Brezinski, Zoe Zibbel, Chip Schacter, Jawaharlal O'Shea, Benjamin Ripley, Erica Hale, Cyrus Hale, Alexander Hale, and Catherine Hale medals of honor." The agent said. The crowd cheered. The agent went to all of us. He pinned the medals to our shirts. This was my second medal. We all smiled at each other.

The agent had one medal left. He quieted everyone down. He held up the medal.

" This is a heroism medal. It's a medal that is given to a person who has risked their life to save many people. I hereby give this medal to Benjamin Ripley." The crowd erupted in cheers again. The agent was about to pin the medal to my shirt, but I stopped him. He looked at me confused. I took the medal from him, and I grabbed the loudspeaker.

" Can I have everyone's attention please?" I said into the loudspeaker. My friends looked at me confused. Everyone instantly got quiet.

" Thank you. I'm glad to have all of these medals and praises. I really appreciate it. But, I don't deserve this medal. I've saved the world from bad guys, but not without help from my friends. Especially a certain friend." I looked at Erica as I said this. She looked at me confused.

A huge sheet rolled down from the ceiling. The crowd started murmuring. The room got a little dark. The screen turned on.

It showed video footage of one of our previous missions, Operation Screaming Vengeance. It showed video footage of us running through Orion's palace. Orion agreed to give us video footage of us when we were inside his palace in return for saving his life. It was focused on all of us. We got to the part where we were hiding in one of the many rooms that was in the gigantic palace.

The crowd gasped when they saw Joshua. Joshua raised his arm, and fired a missile out of his finger. That's when Erica threw the 8 ball at it. The crowd gasped again when Erica went flying into the kitchen.

The next scene showed our mission in Vail, Colorado. It showed the part where we were being shot at by Dane Brammage. He was flying the helicopter while we were running through the trees. That's when Erica shot a rocket launcher at the helicopter, destroying the entire tail of the helicopter saving us. The helicopter crashed and we got swept into an avalanche.

The next scene showed the mission we just came back from. It was at the small restaurant we ate at. One of the drunk men threw a knife at Erica. The crowd ooohed and awwwed at the sight of Erica taking down the huge man. They all gasped though when they saw how Erica got cut.

The next scene showed us in the Brandenburg Gate. It showed Erica fighting off all of the enemy agents. The crowd looked in utter shock as Erica defeated every last agent.

Speaking of Erica, she still looked at me confused.

" What are you doing?" She asked. I just winked at her. She looked back at the screen confused.

The final scene showed all of us inside of the Brandenburg Gate. Erica threw the dagger into Joshua's back, and took it back out. The crowd watched in amazement. I made sure not to show the part where Erica accidentally blew up the van. That's where the video ended, and the lights turned back on. I turned to the crowd.

" Erica Hale has been with me on all of my missions. She has saved me more times than I can count. If it weren't for her, I would be dead right now. I would've died a million times over without her." I said. The crowd stayed quiet.

" I've gotten to know Erica a lot better over the past year. She's not who you think she is. I know all of you think she's just some antisocial girl that could kill you if she wanted to. Heck, I know I thought that when I first came here." I said. The crowd laughed.

" But Erica isn't any of those things. She's a lot more than that. Erica has been through a lot. She's had a rough childhood, a hard time fitting in, and so much more. She's kind, beautiful, amazing, awesome, talented, and so much more." I said. I looked over at Erica. She looked at me in shock.

" Erica may be a little distant at times, but she's like that for a reason. Now I can't tell you why because she would probably kill me if I do." I said. Now Erica laughed. The crowd looked at her in shock. I used that as an example.

" Look at how you all reacted when she laughed. You looked like it was the craziest thing you've ever seen. Why look at it that way? Why not look at her like a normal person. Now I'm not saying she is normal, but Erica is still human. Just like the rest of us. If she laughs, then just feel happy because she's happy. Don't look at her like you've just seen a ghost. Even Erica needs a little laugh here and there." I said. Erica smiled at me. I could see happy tears starting to form in her eyes. I had tears forming in my eyes too.

I walked over to her, and handed her the medal. Her eyes widened. The crowd gasped.

" I hereby present Erica Hale with this heroism medal. She is getting this for saving my life, saving my friends' lives, and saving the entire world." I said. The crowd stayed quiet. Then they cheered. It was the loudest I've ever heard them. Erica looked at the medal.

" Ben, I-I can't take that. That's your medal. The CIA gave it to you." She said. I shook my head.

" I don't deserve this medal, Erica. You do. You deserve everything." I said. I pinned it to her shirt before she could reject me any longer. She broke out into a huge smile, and hugged me. I was hoping for another kiss, but I knew Erica wouldn't want the entire school to see that. So instead, she whispered into my ear.

" Thanks Ben. I love you."

I smiled.

" I love you too, Erica."

Spy School: Little sister, big problems, giant futureМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя