Naruto X Fem Kyubbi

Start bij het begin

"Shut your mouth you damn fox" Naruto screamed in anger but Kyuubi just smirk "Ah, damn it forget it, I'm out of here" knowing argue with her wouldn't get him anywhere Naruto turned on his shoes.

"Wait... I didn't finish yet" Kyuubi called out and huffed with her hands on her hip "Geez, impatient as always and here I wonder why you can survive this long."

"Alright, get to the point furball" Naruto shrugged his shoulder and nodded his head at her.

"Ara, my point is... I wanted to form a contract with you" Kyuubi said with a thinking pose making his eyebrow twitched. Even her thinking pose was so damn sexy "it's been such a long time I had make a contract with other people, youkai or not but... I want you to form a contract with you my dear vessel"

"Is there any reason behind this?"

"Why yes... seeing your pathetic ass whimpering on the ground make poor old me want to do something to help" she smirked "also, this contract base on the power that I will give you afterward. Who know that if you was strong enough maybe I could spare your life when I get out of here and made you my personal chair. How's that sound?"

"You're kidding right?" Naruto asked "No way I will be your chair and no way I'm gonna make this contract with you. I knew your game, you're going to take my soul after this aren't you?" Kyuubi suddenly busted out in laughter while holding her stomach, her breasts jiggled nicely with each sound she made.

"Human, so simple... oh Yami-sama, your sister had created some fool creatures" after calming herself down Kyuubi looked at him with a smirk "even though this contract require both side giving something to the other, I won't take your soul even though I want to torture you in my torture's room for the rest of my immortal life" she smirked "However, I still wanted something from you"

"What's it?" Naruto asked curiously.

"You know..." She put a hand on her left breast and groped it making Naruto's eyes turned wide in shock "it's been two hundred years since my last fuck... my body had been itching for the need of it for awhile now" she then looked at him with a lust eyes and then smile "what I ask from you is the pleasure of the flesh, I will give you the power you need and the opportunity to fuck the Demon's Queen in exchange for the power, how's that sound?"

A moment of awkwardness engulfed the two of them.

Finally Naruto let out a small whisper

"You're kidding .... Right?" Naruto asked in confusion

"No..." Kyuubi smirked and teased him using her finger to spread her pussy apart "there're some holes waiting for you Naruto-kun, all you need to do was asked and I will give you the best time of your life. Don't worry about the feeling. I will link your sense to your consciousness so the feeling would be real for you"

In truth, Naruto was a growing boy with his cock usually got a better hold of his mind. And who wouldn't want to fuck this hot chick, who had promised to give Naruto power with the price of pleasure to both sides. But then again, she was the source of his terrible childhood and the reason why he didn't have family.

He didn't detect any ill intentions in her words and it wasn't like he wanted to decline that gorgeous offer either. Hell he would be gay if he did so.

"I..." Naruto wanted to save Sasuke and keeping his promise to Sasuke, but he knew he was too weak to do so "I... accept"

"Very well" Kyuubi smirked when symbols of Kyuubi appeared on their right palm, which is the head of a fox with nine flowing tails behind "contract had been made" she smirked and then looked around the mindscape "Now, create a bed before we get start. Just imagine it and it will appear to your will. I prefer a nice king size bed if you please"

Fucking,Lots and Lots of FuckingWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu