Matter Of Time

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I'm sorry if I caused any confusion by saying "3 years since Someday", what I meant was on the day I posted the first chapter of the story it had been 3 years since Someday. It had nothing to do with the story so I'm sorry if I confused you! I erased it to not confuse people in the future.

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes.


Matter Of Time

Maya hesitantly knocked on her best friend's bedroom door and was surprised to find her up and out of bed. Today was a good day she thought to herself. Riley's parents were correct in saying Riley was up to her old self at the moment after a great session with her therapist. "Hey," she smiled walking into her best friend's room.

Riley returned her smile.

"What are you up to?" Maya asked, sitting down at the bay window.

"Picking out my outfit for school."

Maya's heart stopped for a moment. She swallowed, nervously, "Are you sure you are ready for school?" she asked, carefully, not wanting to set Riley off or make her have a break down. "You know everyone would understand if you didn't go?"

Riley sighed, hanging her shirt up. "Maya, grief goes with you where ever you go. It's no easier being here and looking at his favorite spot on my bed or a gift he gave me than it will be seeing his locker or empty seat at school. I don't want to be home-schooled forever. I want to go back to school."

Maya bit her bottom lip before slowly nodding.

"I have to go back. I want to go back to being a normal teenager. If I keep putting it off the more people are going to look at me as the broken girl who loss her boyfriend. I don't want people to always walk around me like they are walking on eggshells. Yes, I'm hurting and I miss him so much, but I can't keep sitting here. My counselor said I have to get back out into the world and that's what I'm going to do and I know that is what he would want me to do."

Maya nodded again. She heard Riley speak those same words before she had a break down in the middle of the mall and refused to get out of bed or leave her room for a week after it.

"I know it's going to be hard," Riley continued. "I know I have to take it a day at a time. A hour at a time. A minute at a time, heck even a second at a time because I know I can break down at any second but I have to try. Right?"

"Yeah," Maya agreed, reluctantly. She knew Riley couldn't stay in her room and house forever. "But I wouldn't push something if you aren't ready for it. People are going to stare at you at school. His locker is a decorated as a memorial."

"I know."

Maya kept her eyes on her best friend. She didn't know what it was like to be in her position and prayed she never would. She never wanted to lose the person she could picture spending the rest of her life with. Riley and Evan may have been young, but they were only at the beginning of their love story until he tragically passed away. She could see physically and even emotionally her friend was starting to get better. After the death of Evan she was scared she was going to lose her best friend as well. She was scared she was going to get the call Riley had taken herself off the planet like she said she wanted to do so many times straight after his death. It still brought chills down her spine remembering being one of the ones on twenty-four hour watch after finding out Evan was gone. Now, here they were almost three months later and Riley wanted to go back to school and face everyone.

"If I feel like I can't handle it, I'll leave."

Maya nodded. "And I'll leave with you."

Riley gave her a small smile, knowing Maya would always be there and have her back no matter what.

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