A Blessing Snatched Away

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It was night inside Byleth's home village

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It was night inside Byleth's home village. It was a peaceful night. Well, until a horse of ruthless bandits made way into the village while lighting houses to flames. They were out to spill cold blood.

Byleth and his father were not just going to sit around in the house, pretending that none of these things were happening.

Byleth agreed to help these three people who went by the name of Claude, Edelgard, and Demitri.

They were apparently the cause of the bandits, seeing how the bandits were Pursuing them. But they couldn't fight this battle alone.

If it meant protecting the lives of the villagers, Byleth was all for it. He accompanied the group who head into the forest to launch a sneak attack on the Bandits leader.

It worked, and he was cornered. There was no hope in him winning. But then, in a rage, he began to charge at Edelgard, axe fixed in hand.

You never corner a cat, that much is certain. Byleth, much without thinking, gets in-between the charging bandit and Edelgard, and he pushes the girl out of the way. Before he could get a chance to do anything more, the bandit's axe cut into Byleth's flesh deeply.

The axe stayed fixed there, and Byleth stood there, almost as if he was paralyzed upon contact with the axe piercing him from behind.

The bandit laughs as though in joyous victory. Edelgard gasp in horror. The other two strange men watched from afar, shocked by what has happened.

"Byleth...! No...! Son!!" Cried Jeralt, as he watched what seemed to be his one and only son's death and downfall.

Eventually Byleth submits to the aching pain as his knees collides against the earth, his strength itching to leave him.

The bandit continues to laugh. "You... you bastard!" Edelgard cursed under her breath before she, Clade, and Dimitri teamed up to bring down the bandit.

The bandit was slain afterwards. He put up a fight, but was not strong enough to take on all three of the travelers.

When the bandit leader was slain, the others began to take a quick retreat and ran.

Meanwhile, a knight on horseback came rushing to the scene. He was shouting for his extra men to go after the fleeing bandits, which they obeyed the order without question from their captain.

"J-Jeralt? Is that you? Why, it's been ages!" Beams the man, as cheery as ever. All he saw was Jeralt's back, however. Alois, the knights name, figured Jeralt may had been on his knees due to exhaustion. But that wasn't quite the case.

"My son... he..." Jeralt turned his grieving gaze over to his dear friend, for the man to see a bleeding young man laying on the ground. It was Jeralt's son, Byleth.

The three travelers stood a ways away, altering their gazes, guilt weighing heavy on their shoulders.

"Jeralt, I... I am so sorry." Apologised Alois, almost wordlessly. This was such a shock to him, he nearly didn't have any words to give.

It had seemed that fatherhood has blessed Jeralt with a son. But just with a snap of a finger, the life of his dear son was snatched away. His only family who remained after her death.

"No, no... don't apologise. It... it isn't your fault." Voiced Jeralt as he closed his eyes tightly with a heavy sigh.

To watch your own child die, it was too cruel. It is something no parent should ever have to witness and go through.

Despite the heavy loss of Jeralt's only son, Alois offered Jeralt to come with to return to the Monastery.

Jeralt, if only he wasn't so glum, would have game a big chuckle, only this chuckle was almost nearly heartless.

Jeralt knew what Alois wanted; for him to return and stay at the Monastery. Like the old days...

Jeralt couldn't bare to stay at this village any longer. After all,without his beloved wife or son around to brighten his life, there was no point in staying.

"Lead the way." Says Jeralt. Alois nods as he does so. The mood was glum with grief and loss.

The three travelers who are actually students to the Monastery followed closely as they hung their heads down in shame. They truly wished there was something they could have done to save the life of Jeralt's son.

In a wagon a Knight's horse dragged along, Byleth laid within, a white blanket covering his dead body.

"Jeralt... if you ever need anything, please... never hesitate to ask of us. We are terribly sorry for what has happened. If I had only not lowered my guard--" Before Edelgard could have a chance to finish, Jeralt raised a hand, telling her to stop her words.

"It's fine, really. It's none of you kids faults, you hear? It's not your burden to bear. If only I taught him more of what he needed to know when it came to fighting... perhaps... he would have survived. Maybe he'd still be with us, walking alongside us to the Monastery."

"Jeralt... you don't have yourself to blame, either. I can't say much because I wasn't there, but... you are a very excellent man. You taught the kid well, I'm sure. Please... rest easy. It's us knights faults for coming too late. We should have quickened the pace." Alois utters in great regret.



"It's everyone's faults."

"But... Jeralt." Starts Edelgard. "I'm sure... your son is still with us. Watching over in the heavens with the goddess seiros."

"Yeah..." Jeralt smiles sadly but with a little happiness at the thought of both his wife and son watching over him.

Just wait for me... dear wife and Byleth. I will return home to you both. You'll see.

The End

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