No friends at all

18 1 0

Ross Point of View

Yesterday Sophie and I got in a real big fight. I screamed at her and I made her cry. I knew that I screwed up. I was just so frustrated with everything and let it out on her. Rydel was pretty mad at me after this and also my mom told me that I had to make it up to her. I apologized later to her and she accepted, but she kept her distance since then.

This was definitely not what I wanted. When I tried to talk to her, she was polite, but it wasn't like before. She was just so civil.

At the moment we were on the road again, driving to the next city. Sophie was at the table working. She looked so tired and delicate. I watched her for two hours now. There was a strand of hair, that was constantly falling into her face. She blew it out of her face while she chewed on her pencil. I wanted to put this rebellious strand gently behind her ear. The urge to do this grew with every minute. At the moment I already stretched to do it, she looked up.

"Can I help you?" she asked me. I just shook my head. She had dark circles under her eyes and looked like she didn't get much sleep last night. This was propably my fault. I felt guilt washing over me. She looked so breakable. I wanted to help her and was now the reason to feel bad. To make her happy I started to read the script she gave me. I just read the first half of it, but Sophie was right, it sounded like an amazing movie.

"Hey Sophie, I'm not done yet, but I think you're right about the movie. I'm gonna audition for it." I smiled at her. She didn't smile back.

"Ross, you don't have to do it just to please me." she answered serious.

"I'm not doing this to please you. I want to do this."

"Mmmhh." was the only response I got.

"Sophie, could you please talk to me? I'm sorry for yesterday. Can you please just forget about yesterday? I would rather prefer you screaming at me, than this." I begged and gestured at us.

"You would rather having me screaming at you? Were is the problem? I accepted your apology. We should just be civil." she replied. I sighed heavy.

"I don't want to be civil. I want to be your friend." I gushed. She was surprised.

"You ..., I ..., we ..., I mean ...! Oh god, I don't know what to say. This isn't a good idea." she stuttered. Then she sighed and got up "I'm sorry Ross. We should keep a professional distance. This would be better." She looked at me with her hypnotizing green eyes. It looked as if she was to start crying again. Then she left and went to the back of the bus.

Great Ross, now you messed up everything.

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