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Sophies Point of View

It was so good to see my family. I really missed them. We were always so close and not seeing them every day was hard for me. But in a way I had another family now. My tour family was awesome and I had uncle Andre around me. Although he wasn't so happy about me and Ross and the hug. I had to promise him that I keep my distance. This wasn't easy.

Since Ross sang for me, I had this urgent feeling to spend my whole time with him. I used every excuse to be around him. Most of the time my excuses were work or spending some time with Rydel. She really became my best friend and was the only one, who knew about my feelings for Ross.

But today I had a reason to talk to Ross. His agency sended me a script for a new movie, they wanted him to audition for. It was a real interesting script about a young man, who just lost the love of his life. To honor her, he is doing everything of her bucket list. I cried when I read the script. Ross was in a real bad mood, when I entered the bus.

"Hey Rockstar!" I said to him. He just gave me an annoyed look. "I have a script for a real interesting movie your agency send me. I think you should audition for it."

"What, you decide now, which movies I'm auditioning for?" He snapped at me. I was caught off guard. I didn't expected him to react like this.

"Mmhhh, no! I just thought ..."

"You just thought what? That I didn't have enough work? That I need more to wrap my head around? Probably it is just a cliché movie. Who do you even think who you are?" At the end he screamed at me. I just turned around and left the bus. I was too shocked to even react. Outside of the bus I sat down on the stairs, crying. My heart felt torn. The door opened and Stormie came to me. She sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey hunny, it will be ok. Sshhh, don't cry. Everything will be fine." I was crying so hard that I started to hyperventilate. "Ssshhhh, you will be ok. Just breathe." After a while my crying thrifted into silent sobs.

"So sweetie, will you tell me now about your feelings for Ross?" she asked me. I was shocked and didn't know what to say. She smiled at me.

"Yeah, you're pretty easy to read. I know that you're scared, because of your age and of Andre. He doesn't see the positive point about your love. But Sophie, if you like Ross, than you should admit it. I can handle Andre. He is just a man, who can be stupid sometimes." How did she know this. "The same applies to Ross. He can be stupid sometimes. He is frustrated and unfortunately he let it out on you. The both if you should talk." She gave me another smile and hugged me. Before she stepped into the bus, she said.

"Rydel propably gives him hell right now."

I stayed behind, completly confused and also feeling broken. What just happened?

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