they're drunk ::

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·telling him how stupid he's acting because he could have just talked to you instead

·you usually put him to bed to nap it off (!!!)

·he's still embarrassed the day after

-Conversation He's Had

"Pony, you may be smart, but you're an idiot if you think Darry ain't going to notice how wiped out you are."

"Well, keep your trap shut, anyway."

Sodapop Curtis:

-The happy drunk

·he does anything to make people smile and he's definitely the life of the party

·Just like you, Steve is almost always dragged into his shenanigans

·he turns the music up way too loud

·he flirts with you a lot, except it's slurred and they're literally the worst pick-up lines you've ever heard (!!!)

·he's actually everyone's best friend when he's drunk

·he gets anyone and everyone to listen to his stories when he's drunk

·he never remembers anything that happens

-Conversation He's Had

"Sodapop, it's kind of square to flirt with your girlfriend, ain't it?"

"Can it, Steve. Can't you see I'm trying to make a move, here?"

Keith Matthews:

-The touchy-feely drunk

·lots of kissy faces and cheesy kissing noises to "tempt" you into kissing him (!!!)

·him pouting when you reject his advances because his breath wreaks 

·you can't wear a skirt if you know Two-Bit will be drunk, it will most definitely be lifted up

·him smacking your butt too much

·you literally want to slap him in the face he annoys you so much

·pulling you close to whisper seductively in your ear and it's always something to make you blush like crazy

·helping him with his killer hangovers but also telling him that it serves him right

-Conversation He's Had

"C'mon Sugar-Tits, just one lil' kiss?"

"Two-Bit, not tonight. You're drunk."

"Kiss me tomorrow, then?"

Steve Randle:

-The manic drunk

·he has a unique way of wooing you and pissing you off all at once

·lots of you trying to coax him home but he get angry and yells

·he feels bad afterwards and excessively apologizes 

·he says "I love you" too many times as he drunkenly coos to the gang about your relationship (which wouldn't happen sober)

·Steve also has a habit of slowly getting naked as the night goes on (!!!)

·you have to watch him because sometimes he likes to do tricks and they never end well

·he always loves to hear what he did the day after because he never has a clue

-Conversation He's Had

"Steve, no. I swear to God, if you undo one more button, I'll beat the brewski outta' you!"

"But, baby, it's so hot in here."

Dallas Winston:

-The trouble-making drunk

·Dallas swears profusely when he's drunk (even when it doesn't make sense) (!!!)

·he definitely ropes you into his activities, whether they're legal or not

·his favorite drunken crime is joyriding down Main Street which you hate

·he's known to just full out brawl with random strangers who look at him wrong

·drunk Dally and chain smoking Dally are one in the same, he thinks it makes him look like trouble

·he's too flirty so you've caught him chatting girls up a few times and it's hell to argue with him about it

·Dally is always real hungover the day after and tries to sleep it off

- Conversation He's Had

"Dallas Winston, what the hell was that? Better yet, who the hell was that broad!"

"Damn, she ain't no fucking thing, baby. Hell, I don't even know her motherfucking name!"

"Dallas, I actually can't stand you right now. Get it together!"

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